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Sorority Slaves | spentbob | 3


You look around at all the girls, still not quite believing this situation. There's just about every sort of girl you could ever imagine here - stuck up looking blondes, willowy brunnettes, intense looking nerds, big strong black girls, tight little asians... your eyes settle on two girls who are standing side by side, arms wrapped around each other, both staring at you intently.

One's a tall, thin, pale girl, with very long black hair, dressed in gothic blacks. She's pretty but severe looking, high sculpted cheekbones, smooth rounded forehead and full heavy lips. She's staring at you with ice blue eyes, her expression haughty. The shorter girl beside her with her arm around her waist is a freckled redhead, and she reall is short, her head barely coming p to the taller girls firm boobs. She's covered in freckles, all over her cute little face and her bare arms. She too is staring at you intently, but she's smiling at least, and when she realises you're looking at her, she grins at you and whispers something urgently to her tall friend.

The goth glares at you, then snorts, and says something dismissive looking to the redhead. The shorter girl pouts, making the goth laugh and shrug in a "whatever" kind of gesture.

"How about we get a test run?" says the goth to the brunnette who's in charge.

"A test run?"

"Yeah, just to try the boys out. Everyone can pick a boy for an hour, and if they're don't cut the mustard, we let someone else pick them."

The girls all laugh and cheer, and the brunnette agrees that that's a fair idea.

"Okay then, we want that one!" says the redhead, pointing at you and almost jumping up and down in her excitement.

The brunnette steps up to you, grabs you by the crotch, and leads you over to the two girls while the others all cheer. The little redhead grabs you by the hand and the two girls drag you off to a room at the back of the building.

"Remember, one hour," calls the brunnette, "And try to leave some for the rest of us!"


What do the two girls have in store for you?


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