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A Gift From the Cosmos | Midnite_Val | 8


In my mind there was only one thing better than being able to control other people: Them knowing they were being controlled by me and not being able to do anything about it. A devious smile adorned my lips as I saw the realisation trickle into the mind of my neighbour. I released her of my will momentarily and saw that she immediately wanted to close the curtains. I stopped her and willed her to turn around and bend over. I was surprised how easy it was to make her do anything I wanted to. Just as a show of force, I willed her to slide a finger into her asshole. I saw her squirm against the pressure of her finger in her anal cavity.

With that done, I released her again and saw her immediately remove her finger from her ass and close the curtains. I laughed a bit to myself as I stepped away from my own window and got dressed for school, grabbing my homework and throwing it in my bag. It was only a short walk from my home to the school so I could take some time to have breakfast.

I quickly wished my mother was making my favourite breakfast of a sandwich with cheese, bacon and eggs. As I dashed down the stairs I could smell the scent of sizzling bacon and eggs mix in the morning air. Coming into the kitchen I saw my sister sitting, freshly washed. I figured that after years of her verbal abuse I could do the same to her as the neighbour girl. I decided against it for now.

"Thanks mom!" I called out to my mother as she came out of the kitchen into the dining room carrying a plate with the sandwich, still warm and steaming from the heated food on top of it. I stuffed my mouth with the bread. There was not really a lot of time before I had to leave for school. School. That would be a playground full of opportunities for my new found skills. Test its limits. There were a few hot teachers, even more hot students, obviously. Then there was the support staff, the nurse, every boy's wet dream.

"Dweeb, you need a ride?" My sister asked me, pulling me from my daydream. She had a car she had bought from her waitress wage. It was not much but I didn't have a car of my own. I didn't always drive with her to school, as it was rather close and I didn't want to become completely fat. Though that last objection had disappeared this morning.


Walk to school or ride along?

          Take a stroll

          Drive a Stick


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