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"In space no one can hear you breed" | LordXorph | 9


You toss and turn in your chair for a long time, unable to fall asleep. Maybe it's the annoying hum of the air recirculators or the harsh reality of your situation, but you can't seem to catch a moment of peace. Your mind keeps dwelling on the weird flirty way was behaving towards you earlier.

She has dozed off and you can see her chest slowly rising and falling as she breathes. The sight is somehow mesmerising. Wait... why are you staring at your sister's tits?! OK, that's it! You say to yourself. You can't stay in this room another moment. Trying not to make a sound, you get up from your chair and walk to the door. As the door whooshes open she mumbles in her sleep and turns over but doesn't wake up.

You're not quite sure where you're going to go, but you know you're not getting any more sleep tonight, so you walk down the long corridor aimlessly. There's a bunch of other cabins along this way but they're all locked except for yours and 's, which you can see is still open. It'll take you a while to gain access to them through the computer system. There are other places to explore on the ship, but you don't feel up to wandering there tonight.

On a whim you decide to enter 's cabin. It's not a lot different to yours. There's a bed taking up much of the central room, a little kitchenette and two doors. One leads to the bathroom and shower, and the other is a large closet. The central room has a porthole through which you can see darkness and stars. also has a large wooden chest of drawers and you notice that one of the drawers is hanging open.

So what do you do now? Search through her room or respect her privacy and find somewhere else to go?


Go through her stuff?

          Go through her stuff.


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