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The Underground | AaronWebster | 4


If David expected a tunnel to open up as the girl pulled him in then he was strangely mistaken. Instead there was a feeling of wading through quicksand as the bricks appeared to lose their substance at their touch. At first he gagged as he felt the brick liquify about his face - before he realised that he could breathe perfectly freely. The girl led him by the hand downwards and whereas at first he was aware of passing through brick and entering rooms, now he became increasingly aware of simply passing through earth.

Suddenly, David felt blinded by daylight and he found that the pair of them were now standing in what appeared to be a huge garden or park. There was a park nearby, recalled David, but this wasn't any part of it that he recognised.

The beautiful girl dressed in rags led him forward. David was surprised to note that she seemed stronger and more vital in this place and the rags hung off of her statuesque frame seeming strangely irrelevant.

David was suddenly drawn by a cry, or a moan more precisely. As they turned the corner of a hedge, he was surprised to see a naked woman riding her lover's cock in broad daylight and crying out her passion unashamedly. Her breasts jiggled and she pulled and tugged at her nipples.

As David looked away in confusion and embarrassment (the girl in the rags seemed almost oblivious) he became aware that the moaning did not come from this source alone, but that instead it was a kind of background chant to this park. He felt himself harden involuntarily as he became aware of a musky scent to the whole place.

As they walked further, they passed many more couples and groups, as well as singles, giving themselves in wanton desire. Until finally they were surrounded by what seemed like hundreds, maybe even a thousand copulating nudes.

"What is this place?" David finally gasped out to his guide, pulling her to a standstill.

"It is the garden of earthly delights," she replied, "Come we must be going."

David looked at her quizzically, but stood his ground. The garden of earthly delights? Wasn't that a picture or something?

"Where exactly is this place?" David asked again.

The girl sighed.

"It is a part of the Underground," she replied evasively.

"The underground?" inquired David, "but we're in a park. This place isn't underg..."

He paused, the girl was looking up. He followed her gaze and saw to his great shock that there was no sky. High above them loomed the ceiling of a vast cavern, covered in some glowing substance, whose light was enhanced at various points by huge arc lights. He was dimly aware of distant gothic looking flying buttresses holding this great ceiling above them. Far in the distance, immense cavern walls met the earth.

"How did..." David was finally rendered speechless.

Before the girl could answer, three young women ran up giggling. They had been part of a group dancing naked through the garden. But now these three had broken loose and now one of them began to remove the girl's rags, whilst the other two began removing David's clothing.

"It was built as a utopian ideal, when the Martians invaded." stated David's guide matter of factly as her rags fell away to reveal magnificent full breasts.

"When the..?" David began, aware not only of his guide's exposure, but also that whilst one nymph was busily removing his grimy clothing, another was kneeling before him opening the front of his trousers.

"A hundred years ago? Don't you know your own history?" asked the girl, seemingly oblivious to all that was being done to them; amazed only at David's ignorance.

"I guess not," said David in resignation, as one young woman continued to undress him, whilst the other took his hard length into her mouth.

"Join us," whispered a nymph in his ear."


Stay or run?

          Ensnared by the nymphs


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