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Tentacle Testing | zombietoph | 2


"... Mrs. . Welcome to Tentacles Incorporated!"

From there the three supervisors of the Testing Department explained how the testing would work; basically you'd be allowed to choose between certain varieties of new tentacle specimens each month, each test session being anywhere from three to sixteen hours long.

For your first month, your options are:

The Gourd - a creature who's main body is of the appearance of a larger than human-sized gourd, with thick skin, housing several tentacles which it will use to pull 'victims' inside its main body, where it will begin the mating process.

The Sneak - a tentacle specimen who's main body is hidden underground, it senses movement above and quickly attacks from beneath the 'victim's' feet, using its powerful tentacles to hold the 'victim' to the ground while it mates.

The Pollenator - a flower-like tentacle creature that exudes pollen into the air, enticing 'victims' with their pleasing scent, so that it may draw them closer to its large flower body, which will begin using the 'victim' for mating.


Which do you choose?

          The Gourd


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