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The Lyon of Ironport | RicoLouis | 2


You make your way through the crowd making it past a few guards looking for you. Once you get to the edge of the crowd you decide to play it cool as you stroll toward the bridge peeking over your shoulder to see if any of the guards had noticed you, running would be a sure fire way to get caught. As you get closer you can see the other side and the sheer cliff. It was a good way down to the river bellow which had carved the small canyon that separated the business district from the old town. The river ran for a several more yards before it dropped off into a waterfall that emptied into havens bay.

“Their he goes.” You here as you spot a guard pointing in your direction, you take off running like the wind. People scream as the guards draw their rifles. You begin to zig and zag up the bridge. The booming sound of the flintlocks fills the air, the few people on the bridge fall down to the ground trying not to get hit. Luckily they can’t shot for shit as you here a round hit the stones of the street, another hitting the low wall of the bridge. A third almost gets you fill a hot ball of lead rip your sleeve and graze the flesh though you barely fill it as your blood pumps through your veins.

Suddenly you hear the sound of hooves behind you. You glance over your shoulder to see a blue caped rider on horseback charging at you his saber drawn out to his side. You where halfway over the bridge and didn’t think you could outrun a horse to the other side. You could always jump in the water and take your chances with the current, not a bright idea but no guard would be crazy enough to follow. Turn and shot at the guy charging at you on horseback. Pistols weren’t very good at range which meant you would have to let him get close, again not the best idea. The horse would make a better target but the horse wasn’t the one trying to kill you plus you weren’t sure what kind of damage a single pistol shot could do against the massive mount that the northerners rode. Jumping was looking better, wait you could jump off but hang on to the side. That plan of course depended on their being something to hang on to and you didn’t have time to look. Whatever you were going to do you had about two seconds to decided judging from the thundering horse behind you.


Jump In River, Shot The Rider, Wound The Horse, Climb Out On Bridge

          Jump In The River


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