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The Lyon of Ironport | RicoLouis | 1


You hide in the ally pulling your hood down waiting as you hear your pursers run by. You slowly released your grip on the flintlock tucked into the back of your pants. You now wonder if it was smart to come to Ironport. Years before it was a free city but now the populace of the city where second class citizens in their own city to the “empiral highborns”. They “the lesser races” of the city of Ironport had surrendered rather than have the city burned to the ground and its citizens enslaved.

You were not much of a fighter, at least not head on against the bigger empiral northmen, but since most of the highborns looked down on you it meant blending into the city was easier, which was why you came here. However the lord who you had just relieved of his coin purse wasn’t as easily distracted as you had hoped for and now you stood in this dank ally waiting for a break in the city guard who were looking for you.

“There he is.” You turn to see the familiar blue capes of the Highborn Empire, Two city guard raising flintlock rifles. You make a run for it as you here the boom of their weapons ring out. A bullet barley misses you as the wall seems to explode. You cover your face as you curse. You head into the crowd hoping to lose them again, it didn't help that most had stopped moving to see what all the commoton was about but you see more guards coming from the alley to your side.

You debate your options. You could cut across the bridge ahead, but it was less crowded and would leave you open to enemy fire. If you got across the bridge you would be in old district which meant you could blend in better and might find someone to hide you.

Since you were close to the river it also meant you might find a way to the sewers down an alley but that meant you might have to fight your way down the alley, Your pistol and knife would give you an edge in the tight alley against the swords and rifles of the highguard, however killing one of the guards meant execution in the arena if you were caught. Also going into the sewers meant a chance of running into the thieves’ guild which could go either way. They didn’t like the highborn’s but also didn’t like outsiders.

The third option was to try and hide in one of the local businesses, the bigger the better. Your clothes didn’t stand out to much but they didn’t make you look like someone a shop keep might trust instantly. On the other hand you had the coin and might be able to buy a sympathetic ear. Or maybe even some clothes. The only other option was surrender though you aren’t sure being a slave was any better than dead. Though as a slave you might be able to escape later. Whatever you decide you had better move quickly.

(This is an interactive story in two ways. You can vote for which story path you want me to write for first by leaving a comment and tell me what you think should happen when our hero picks that path.)


Run,Fight, Hide, or Surrender?

          Run For The Bridge

          Hide In Big Building


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