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Tentacle Transformation | zombietoph | 1


It is very cold.

You feel uncomfortable.

Sweat pours down your sleeping body.

Dreams are scattered, unfocused, confused, quick.

You feel a powerful tension, as if something is trying to grow from within...

With a sharp gasp you wake up from the dream, covered in sweat, your bed sheets twisted and tucked around you, trapping you, forcing you to struggle to free yourself, you walk almost drunkenly to the bathroom, to wash your face, feeling overheated.

Looking up into the mirror, you stumble backwards in surprise - you don't look like you anymore. You appear muscular and toned, your skin is inhumanely smooth, face manly and slightly feminine at the same time, and, perhaps the most shocking, five extremely long and very thick penises hang from your crotch.

Touching one, a shock of intense pleasure sweeps through your body; you have to sit from the force of it. Inspecting your new massive genitals, you guess that they each must be about two feet long and about three to four inches thick. You cautiously touch the head of one, once again feeling that shock of pleasure, and are amazed to see it actually grow a little longer.

Experimenting further you begin stroking your penises, near-orgasmic pleasure shooting through you in waves as they all begin to length to around five feet each... and suddenly, as you begin to lose yourself in the delirium of your self-pleasuring, they start moving on their own.

One dives between your legs and grinds up and down between your butt cheeks, occasionally pushing at your tight butthole, another wraps seductively around your neck, rubbing against your quivering lips, two wrap around the one you've been touching, stimulating both it and themselves with their slithering strokes.

Unable to hold yourself back, you moan in ecstasy as your tentacle-cocks plunge into your butt and mouth, fucking you faster and harder as your pleasure builds to heights beyond normal human endurance, the two pounding your central cock moving so fast as to be barely visible, you yell aloud as sperm explodes everywhere, blasting all over the floor tile, cabinets and walls...

... As you push yourself off the floor you realize you must have passed out from the force of your climax - there is sperm everywhere; from the floor up to the ceiling, even you are completely covered in the heady smelling liquid.

Your tentacles-cocks are still fucking your ass, each taking turns to bury themselves deep within you.

You smile to yourself as you realize...

"Class is going to be fun tomorrow."


Alarm clock sounds...


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