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U.S.S. Ishtar | gystex | 2


For the third time, the complete sensor sweep of the ship came up negative for the virus. "Looks like we got the little bugger," I said to Nurse Leena with satisfaction.

Leena nodded as she read the screen over my shoulder. I could sense her body close to me, and it was nerve-wracking. Even with the anti-aphrodesiac I'd taken that morning, the urges were coming through too strongly. And that had been the last dose.

"So that just leaves us with the problem of how to deal with the after-effects," I said as I leaned back in my chair - partly to simply relax, but mostly to get a little further away from Leena's distracting presence. It was particularly hard for me as a doctor to maintain my detatchment, particularly when giving physical exams. Especially when I knew the patient was as turned on as I was, and would have been more than willing to... I forced my mind back on the matter at hand.

"It's the antibodies, isn't it?" Leena asked. "We've pretty well determined that."

"As far as we can determine anything way out here," I agreed. "The virus is harmless in and of itself - it's the antibodies that we form in response to it that cause the effect. That seems to be the case in Minya as well, except that her species forms the antibodies far more slowly than we. And in human males, they form so quickly that their minds can't adjust to the effects."

"So, essentially, they got so horny they went crazy?"

I frowned at Leena. She was young, and tended to be a little more loose with her terminology. Of course, that youth also lent her body a wonderful firmness and a healthy glow... "That's a crude way of putting it, but more or less right. That also explains why our Mr. Davis was able to protect himself, perhaps unconsiously. He has studied Vulcan techniques."

"I wish I knew a few of those techniques," Leena sighed. "It might keep me from wanting to fuck everything I see."

"Leena, please try to maintain some composure. If you need to have a moment alone -"

"I'm sick of moments alone! I need a moment with someone else, dammit!"

"Nurse Leena! Get a hold of yourself!" I grabbed her by the shoulders and gave her a firm shake, trying to ignore how her breasts bobbed enticingly up and down as I did.

Leena was instantly contrite. "I'm sorry, Doctor. It's getting harder to keep control."

"Well, if it helps, it shouldn't get much worse. Blood tests from the crew indicate that the antibody numbers are leveling off." I realized I was still holding her by the arms, but for some reason, it was really hard to let go.

Fortunately, the captain chose that moment to request a status report. I waited until my turn.

"Dr. Akira here," I said over the intercom when Captain Lance called for medical. "The latest sweep confirms that the virus is completely eradicated from the ship. Unfortunately, the... effects... seem to be lingering."

"I don't need you to tell me that, Doctor. Any new ideas of what we can do about it?"

"Still working on that, I'm afraid. I'll let you know if I come up with anything." I considered that things would get worse before they got better, and decided that the Captain and I needed to talk about some options. "Incidentally, I'd like to meet you to discuss something privately."

I sensed a moment of hesitation from the Captain, and realized that I might very well have triggered a sexual fantasy. I couldn't blame her - I was suddenly having similar thoughts. "Very well," she replied. "I'll be in your orifice at the end of the shift."

I blinked.

"I'll be in your office," she clarified after a moment's pause.

I shut off the intercom and breathed out a sigh of relief. For the next half hour, I busied myself with organizing the data collected so far on the virus and checking over supplies. They were getting dangerously low. Leena had disappeared, presumably to take care of her needs, and I was glad for it. I wasn't sure I could resist temptation much longer.

"Dr. Akira?"

I looked up to see...





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