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Caitlin in To Rule Hell's Harems | kmwnname | 3


Caitlin watched as her more experienced lover prepared the summoning circle. Summoning an actual demon from Hell was a big deal, and more dangerous than the arrogant pair of mages knew.

Karkova drew a chalk summoning circle, and sprinkled grounded pixie ash around the area for further protection. She normally wouldn’t do something as risky as this, summoning a demon without at least ten mages present. Truth be told, she wanted to impress her talented young protege and lover. Karkova could tell that Caitlin had the potential to be supremely powerful, but she wanted to make sure that the girl would always respect her Mistress and not stage a coup against the coven leader like Karkova had done.

Caitlin stood watching, she understood that Karkova wanted to do this summoning all by herself. Caitlin was impressed by the confidence her lover was showing. She thought this show of strength was hot, maybe once Karkova was done squeezing the power and knowledge out of this demon, she’d finally let Mistress Karkova put on the Satanic Strap-On and take Caitlin’s full virginity.

Karkova finished reciting the incantation and a loud roar went through the room as the transdimensional schism opened, transporting a demon into the summoning circle.

“Mistress was right when she said it was a minor demon.” Caitlin thought as she examined the demon which had been summoned. The demon was short, really short. It was completely naked with gray skin and a bald head. The demon wore a jewel on a gold chain around its neck. There was one place where the demon wasn’t small. Its cock and balls, which would’ve been of an impressive size on a man. On the short demon, the large genitalia looked rather comical. He was stuck within the summoning circle.

“The demon Gloshen. I am Mistress Karkova and I have summoned you. I demand to know your secrets. I demand your power. You will not be released until you have given me these things.” Karkova demanded in as forceful tone as she could muster.

“Fine, ya got me. Good job sweet cheeks.” Gloshen said putting up his hands in a defensive stance. “Do not call me Sweet Cheeks, demonic toad! I am Mistress Karkova and you shall address me as such. Now speak, what is your prime ability?” Karkova responded in anger.

“Alright, alright. Mistress. We’ll let see I’m pretty good at mind control, y’know getting pretty little things to do what I want.” Gloshen responded sheepishly. “I could show you how I do it.”

Karkova momentarily switched her gaze to Caitlin and smirked at her protege. A smirk which seemed to say, ‘wouldn’t that be useful with little sluts who refuse to let me plough her pussy.’ “Very well, demonic toad. That would be sufficient payment for your release.” Karkova said to Gloshen.

“Well, to start you need to look at my jewel. Yeah, the big one round my neck. Look deep into it, real deep. Feel yourself falling into the jewel. The jewel is everything. Now get rid of this silly circle.” Gloshen said. With a wave of her hand Mistress Karkova cancelled her protection spells, allowing Gloshen to walk straight out of the barriers holding him back.

Caitlin suddenly realised what had happened, Mistress Karkova had fallen victim to the very mind control spell she was trying to learn. Caitlin prepared an offensive spell, surely a fireblast would be effective against such a minor demon. “Oi girlie, you too. Look at the jewel.” Gloshen responded before she could finish off her spell. Caitlin found herself trapped too, falling deeper and deeper into the jewel’s depths. Her will to resist the owner of the jewel was fading rapidly.

“You just have fun with yourself and enjoy the show till I’m ready for ya. I’ve got to teach this presumptuous bitch a lesson first.” Gloshen said. Caitlin in her mind controlled state took that as an order to start playing with herself. She slumped to the floor and started rubbing her breasts. Meanwhile, her Mistress was now following Gloshen’s order to give him a blowjob.

Caitlin was helpless to do anything but masturbate as she watched her Mistress be dominated by a tiny demon. Karkova happily did whatever Gloshen asked of her. Caitlin played with her pussy whilst Karkova’s pussy was being fucked by Gloshen’s cock.

Finally after much rutting, Gloshen pulled out of Karkova and came all over her face. In her addled state, Karkova was ecstatic to receive the demon’s cum. Gloshen then turned to Caitlin. “Well girlie, looks like you’ve got that pussy all nice and ready for me. Come over here for a fuck.” Gloshen said.

Caitlin’s immediate urge was to do whatever Gloshen said, She’d enjoyed the show and now it was her turn to join in. Then an even stronger urge arose in her. She couldn’t give her virginity to this demon, not now. Not under these circumstances. All her planning would’ve been ruined.


Which urge is stronger?

          Caitlin gives in


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