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What happened last night? | Silentstep480 | 3


The tour was over, all the work was done and all that was left in front of us was chatting. It was the worst possible outcome as far as I was concerned. I just sat next to Jen and hid behind my drink, downing two to everyone else's one. Thankfully right after one drink was down and the snacks had been sampled one set of Heidi's friends excused themselves generating all of the nice to meet you's and everything and Heidi left to see them off with her normal care package.

I took the opportunity to whisper in Jen's ear, "so when am I going to see this new suit?"

She chuckled and said out loud, "I don't know that we are even going to go swimming tonight."

"What's that?" asked Tom picking up on Jen's comment as I had hoped.

"Oh, you mentioned having the get together on the pool deck at work so I brought a new suit I have been using as weight loss motivation just in case. But I forgot Nick's and it didn't seem like we were headed that way so I didn't bring it up.". She looked at me and said, "You can see it later."

"We brought ours too, I haven't been swimming in a long time," Kyle threw out there picking up quick on the comment.

Tom shrugged and pointed at the hot tub, "Well I just cleaned out and got both the hot tub and the pool up and running, it wouldn't be a house warming party if the amenities weren't tested out.". He looked at Heidi's friends, "did you two happen to bring suits?"

Heidi returned as they shook their heads. Tom pointed at Jen and I as Heidi gave him a look, "They brought it up," he said defensively.

Heidi shrugged and said, "Tom hasn't had a chance to try out the pool and after he cleaned it, it's all he's been able to think about.". She looked at Tom and said, "not all of our guests have suits, it wouldn't be right."

I shot out, "we're all friends here, I don't mind if you guys swim. Actually it would be kind of nice to soak my feet in the hot tub after the week I had."

Heidi's remaining friends looked somewhat uncomfortable, between the direction the party had taken and the others leaving. Making some excuses they said they didn't want to keep us from trying out the pool and went to leave as well.

While Heidi busied herself seeing them off Tom said, "I guess that's settled. Shall we go get changed?". Everyone got up and headed into the house while I headed over to the cooler, grabbed another beer and walked over to the hot tub.

Heidi was the first one back out and she looked slightly miffed. Knowing it was mostly my fault but not feeling bad about it I tried to just distract her. "So how do you get this started?"

She walked over and flipped the switch and I saw the hostess in her kicking in as she took a chair and tried to start a conversation with me so I wouldn't be left out here alone. It was only a minute or so later that Kyle's wife came out and sat with us, waiting for the tub to warm up.


What's going on inside?

          Jen has a discovery


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