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Ass Effect 3 | kronic | 3


It seems absurd, but it's right down there in front of your own eyes. Even the fish (the living ones, anyway) seem to notice. The rest of your appearance seems unchanged: military-regulation combat-sensible hairstyle, hard but caring eyes, taut shoulders, pert breasts...except now you've got a meaty seven-inch clit hanging obscenely between your legs.

EDI chirps in, "Please state the nature of the medical complication. If there are errors in regeneration, the risk of malignant radical growths and tumors necessitates immediate medical attention"

"It's personal. You've got cameras; if you can't figure it out then it gives me hope I might actually have privacy in here. Just let me know when the doctors are available, alright?"

Mordin is clipped in speech as always. "Mmn. Unexpected clitoral hypertrophy. Possibly correlated to elevated levels of 11-Ketotestosterone interacting with hydrocortisone from in-armor stimulant upgrade."

"11-Ketotestosterone?" Chakwas asks, surprised. "That's an androgen you don't normally see much of in humans. If I recall, it's associated with, well, fish."

"Why are there fucking fish steroids in my body?" You're reaching the end of your patience. The evident bulge under your medical gown isn't helping matters.

"Cut the endocrinology lesson. I only want to know two things. One, do I have cancer? Two, Is this going to affect my combat effectiveness?"

"Speaking in strictly medical terms, there's nothing wrong with you," Chakwas tries to sound reassuring. "Your CT scan looks fine, and the modifications we've made to your armor systems should balance things out. I don't think there's anything we can do about existing physical changes, however."

"So I'm stuck like this?"

"Options considered. Removal...unpleasant. Suggest you learn to enjoy new functionalities." Mordin concludes.

"I am not having this conversation. You two, dismissed. Don't tell anyone about this, either. I know how fast rumor gets around."

They file out, managing as little awkwardness as possible.

It's actually not so bad, on a second observation. You give it an experimental touch, and it stiffens immediately. A bit of fluid leaks out the tip. This could take some getting used to.


You're not dying. What's next?

          Actually Dr. Chakwas needs a sample...


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