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To Hunt the Hunters | Silentstep480 | 2


takes the Northern path, seeing the slime growing thicker along the floor in this direction. She was thankful for the preparation the brothers at the temple had helped her with. The seamless skin tight black leather, waterproof suit that would protect her from both the penetration of the offending tentacles but also the contact anesthetics most of the tentacle monsters had evolved to use. The suit was now keeping the slime from contacting her skin which she just knew was a very good thing. The half mask that likewise sealed off the most accessible cavity they saught while also filtering much of the dizzying fumes they filled the air around themselves with was likely making a huge difference as she was sure this slime was not simply an odorless liquid.

shivered remembering just how vast the list of toxins these things used, everything from paralytic to amnesiac and hallucinogenic to aphrodesiac. Hunting these beasts could be incredibly dangerous but also highly lucrative. Nearly every hunter was a fortune hunting male but for it was personal. Unsheathing her titanium sword she smiled thinking of the revenge she might finally get to exact for her sister.

Walking further on the slime started reaching her ankles before her first contact with the ugly side of the underworld. had been trained against every type of beast from dog sized to those larger than even elephants. Her first contact was nothing at all like any of them.

Feeling something brush her right boot she lifted it up and saw only a small, wormlike creature a couple of inches long wiggling around on top of her laces. With her free hand she picked the revolting thing off and held it between her gloved fingers to inspect it. It immediately turned towards her face, obviously having thermal sensitive organs and seeking the warmest objects. There were no eyes or any other obvious features beyond the mouth. She looked a bit closer and the slim little creature opened its orifice and she saw a sphincter like mouth lined with little razor sharp teeth.

Suddenly she felt a sharp pain on her left ankle and she fell back in shock, the four inches of slime splashing up and out as she landed on her ass in the muck. She quickly scrambled to her feet, barely holding onto her sword only to find four more of the little worms latching onto the leather around her upper thighs and crotch.

Sheathing her useless sword she slapped at the little creatures knocking two of them away before feeling two more sharp stinging pains from where the other two were. Then she felt one more sting. Just to the right of the crack of her ass. It only took moments before she dislodged the three remaining horrors but she knew her ordeal had only just begun.

As she attempted to retreat she hobbled, noting the pain gone from her ankle. The truly bad predicament she was in started to sink in as she remembered the first bite and lifted her left foot. All she saw was the wiggling tail of the slender little worm. She caught it and pulled it out but not before it bit her one more time in protest.

The numbness was bad enough but the four holes in her suit worried her even more. Especially the one on her ankle which would be submerged in the slime as soon as she put her foot back down. She untied one of the railways straps she had on her upper right thigh which would keep tentacles from violating her should it have found a way up her pant leg around her ankle and tried to collect her thoughts on how to retreat and re-assess.

She felt the numbness spreading through her quads and right ass cheek and tried to fight the panic. Meanwhile her the numbness on her left ankle had disappeared only to be replaced with the pins and needles of a sleeping limb awakening. It had gone through it's courses so quickly she whichever to think what havoc those pins and needles would play with her ass in just a few moments.

Then she felt a sting on her right ankle and looked down to see a much longer worm, perhaps nine inches but just as thin, winding around her right calf as it bored through the leather on her ankle.


Does she make it out?


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