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The Road of the Nomad | Meteorbeat | 1


The shade coming down from the umbrella helped him fight back the sudden heat from the New York afternoon. The heat wave had arrived to the city making the citizens of the Big Apple change their usual attires of sweaters and coats for short sleeves, jeans and, much to the delight of the male percentage of the city, short skirts that left clear to the eye toned tights in most cases.

Right from under the umbrella, a young man rested his back in the white metal chair and sighed long and hard letting the city realize the weight upon his shoulders. The iced tea resting on the table in front of him was so far untouched, the ice floating on the amber liquid slowly melting in the warm of the day as if joining the man sitting on the chair in his slow relaxation.

For the young man, the current heat in the city was nothing more than a soft breeze after spending his whole life in a way harsher environment of heat, sand and dehydration. Thankfully the weather had decided to let him free from the current bad luck that had assaulted him none stop since the morning.

It was not the worst day on his life, he hadn’t been shot, left by a lover or wife, expelled or fired, in fact this was the calmest day that he had ever had in several years.

It wasn’t because of any of those situations; it was something much more unique, something that very few people had ever considered or lived, although considering the kind of people that currently resided on the planet that was something for a debate.

The young man, no older than 26 at max, grabbed the chill glass of tea and took a long sip from it, savoring the familiar taste of the back tea on his tongue, instantly getting the usual feel of peace that accompanied the beverage. Black tea always had a relaxing effect on his muscle and his mind much to his own delight.

Going back to his predicament, the man took several minutes to go over and over the information that he so far had, which in fact was minimal compared to the huge problem that was destroying his life to say it mildly.

Leaving the now almost empty on the table he decided that there was nothing much that he could at that simple café and decided that walking would be at least a little bit more productive that what he had been doing so far.

After paying the rather low price of the tea for the quality, the man stood out of the café and was about to wander in any direction before he felt something, like goosebumps going up and down your body, and then he saw IT.

Like if it were moving at a slower speed than it really was, he could see an armored vehicle driving along the street in an erratic way, as if he driver was hurt or if he was trying to shake something; either way, the van was about to lose control and he could only react as if in automatic.

Quickly reacting he took the closest person to him and jumped aside from the incoming vehicle just before it toppled over on the sidewalk, fortunately hurting nobody after your quick move.

Looking downwards at who exactly you just saved you notice that it was a young woman of dark hair in a bob haircut wearing what seems a rather expensive suit, maybe a lawyer or business woman on her way to office or maybe a business meet. Her pretty face was now contorted on a look of surprise and fear at what just happened few seconds ago, also her arms were tightly hurl around your neck in what was probably an instinct move for her.

Quickly disentangling her arms around you and placing her softly on the sidewalk and only smiling at what could have possibly happened, the young man walked on the direction of the fallen vehicle just in time to see the door of the co-pilot opening up just like the back doors and five men all wearing the same tactical armor and automatic rifles came out looking slightly dizzied and still hurting from the sudden hit with the asphalt.

At the same moment that they hit the street, a blur quickly fell from the sky to land safely on the street and the young man’s smile grew even larger, because, in front of him there was no on one else but one of his favorite heroes of all time, the red and blue wearer and web-slinger crime fighter of New York. Spider-Man.

“So guys, I just thought of something new, you see, usually I have to kick your asses, potentially injuring some body and permanently losing the precious time that I have in stopping you and probably missing a class if my luck is bad, which always is, have I ever told you about how teachers don’t take the ‘I just saved the world from being destroyed’ anymore?” The man chuckled at the humor from the hero watching also that the men with weapons were obviously not going to listen to reason and would fight.

Letting the hero do what he did best he focused instead of another member of the team that had been obviously hiding himself from Spider-Man and was now carefully aiming at him waiting for the moment the agile hero would stop for a second.

Of course the man remembered the superhero had his spider-sense but why leave things to fate? Quietly he walked on the man’s direction observing how the armed man noticed him but by then it was too late.

A quick upwards quick send the rifle tumbling upwards into the air leaving the man wide open for the next kick behind the knee and a right fist into the face sending him into sweet oblivion for a couple of hours. Quickly turning around to see that only two members of the thieves were conscious the young man started to run in the direction of one before doing a flying side kick connecting at the right moment the armed bad guy turned around receiving a direct hit sending him into the asphalt hard.

Just at that moment Spider-Man gave a quick uppercut into the last thief finishing the fight for good and leaving both fighters in perfect condition thankfully.


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