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When The Cat's Away | Zingiber | 4


Hank looked around to see if Veevee was still on deck. Nope. Maybe his wife had gone inside to get away from the brisk sea breeze. Seeing no sign of her in the nearby lounge or observation deck, he headed back to their cabin.

Letting himself in, he called "Vee! Veevee, you there?" No answer. He found a note on the little desk.

"Darling," the note read, "Had to run. Early massage appointment at the spa. Maybe you'd like one too, or you could sit in with me?" She'd written the number of the spa receptionist. Hank shrugged. Might be good to unwind. He called the number.

"Mermaid Spa, how may I help you?" the receptionist answered.

"My wife suggested I call and see if there are any massage appointments left before dinner," Hank said. "Or if I could sit with her during her appointment."

"We try not to interrupt appointments in progress," the receptionist said. "But your wife hasn't arrived yet," she said. "So if you hurry down, perhaps the therapist will agree to have you sit in. If you would like your own massage, there are two therapists with open appointments before dinner. Leonardo does sports massage and circulation work, and Janice's specialty is pressure point and energy work."

"Hmm," Hank said over the phone. "I have a little tightness and tingling in the crotch. I think it's from a long bike ride I just did. Which of them would be best for that sort of thing?"

"Leonardo would be the best in that case," she said. "He works a lot in that area. Though it's more muscle pulls from tennis and handball, here."

"How about issues related to posture and ergonomics? I'm just coming off a long stint of sit-down work where I didn't get to move around a lot."

"I'd suggest Janice for that," she said. "She's worked wonders for me. She has an energy release technique that just makes me feel warm all over."

"Thank you very much," Hank said. "I think that tonight..."


Who does Hank get a massage from? Or does he sit in with Veevee? Or...

          “…I’ll try Janice”


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