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The Power of Persuasion | whitenight | 4


Having expended myself for the moment, I decided to luxuriate in the earthly wealth I'd stumbled upon. I had Rosa draw a bath in what turned out to be a Jacuzzi tub, then serve me champagne as I let the warm water relax me. She had found a sundress in one of the closets, but it clearly silhouetted her figure every time she stood in front of a window. I patted her ass in passing and enjoyed the wet handprint that clung to her as she walked away.

After that, I decided to explore my new surroundings. Rosa was able to point me to the previous owner's spare keys in the closet, which allowed me to leave the minivan on the street and take the convertible out for a spin while she continued cleaning the house. The community had extremely high land value, so it was several blocks to the nearest commercial zone. The small outdoor mall had a high-end clothing store next to a coffeeshop and bookstore. I'd have to remember to bring Rosa back for shopping if she ever ran out of clothes.

Returning to my new home, I was surprised at how much time had passed. I had left my previous residence late in the morning, but it was now closing on 5 o'clock. I was anxious to meet the generous soul who had sold me his mansion and everything within at such a bargain price. I switched the television on while I waited.

I heard the garage door open and close and turned my eyes from the television screen to see a man in his mid-fifties walk in. "Who are you and why are you in my house?" he challenged me angrily.

I feigned surprise. "Mr. Johnson, surely you know the date. Why are you still here?" I felt the flicker of doubt in his mind and pressed on it. "You sold your house to me a month ago and the transaction was finalized today. I came to take possession of my new property. It's a beautiful place, but then I've said as much every time we've spoken."

"I sold you my house?" His mind wavered, and my weaving snapped into place.

"Yes, Mr. Johnson. I was very pleased that you left it fully furnished. I doubt I'll have much use for the clothes in the closets, but you did say 'as is' in our deal. You earned your price, which was more than fair."

"Oh, I see..." His eyes fell for a moment, then met mine again. "I'm afraid the date snuck up on me rather quickly, I haven't fully prepared to leave yet."

"Bill - Can I call you Bill?" I turned my voice forcefully upon him. "You mean to say that you intend to breach your agreement with me? Because where I'm from, a man's word is his bond."

"I understand that, sir," he replied, "but my family and I have nowhere to sleep for tonight." As if on cue, the garage door opened again in the distance. "Hi, honey," he greeted his wife as she came in the door."

"Hello, who's this?" Mrs. Johnson asked as she set her purse on the counter. From the look of her she wasn't much past 40, with glowing blonde hair that spilled professionally but elegantly over her business attire. Behind her were two girls in their late teens, one blonde like their mother, the other strawberry. The blonde was casually dressed, but the redhead wore a plaid skirt and plain white blouse.

"You must be Rebecca," I introduced myself. "I'm . I've talked with your husband many times but you and I haven't met before."

"This is the man who bought the house," said Bill haplessly.

As a look of confusion flitted across Rebecca's face, I mentally pounced. "Oh, of course. I knew that," she reassures herself. "When are we moving out?"

"Actually, I was just discussing that with your husband," I respond sternly. "Today is the official day of the changeover, but apparently he didn't make appropriate arrangements."

"I'm very sorry, dear, I don't know what happened." Bill looks quite distraut, and his anxiety quickly travels to his daughters.

"Now, now, I'm not going to be the bad guy here," I reassure them. "Despite your husband's irresponsibility, I'm sure we can all come to an agreement. For instance, if you really haven't made any arrangements then I don't see any problem with allowing you to stay in my house until you can get back on your feet." All four of the Johnsons relax visibly. "Girls, I don't believe we've been introduced."

"I'm Ashley," says the blonde. She steps forward to shake my hand briefly.

"Jessica," says the redhead. She stands back and waves timidly.

"Ashley, Jessica, this whole little situation was none of your fault. While your father is working on a new place to live you're welcome to stay in my house. In your own rooms. Go ahead with your evening plans, I'll sort this out with your parents." The two girls head upstairs, wary but relieved.

"Rebecca, as the lady of the house you're obviously welcome to stay in the master bedroom." She nods. "Bill, I think I'd be more comfortable if you sleep down here on the couch until you find another place."

Bill snaps his head up. "Wait, you're letting my wife stay in the bed? Why can't I sleep in one of the guest bedrooms? And where are you in all this?"

I smile and shake my head. "As I'm sure you know, Bill, a man is lord of his own castle. As the owner of the house I deserve to sleep in the master bedroom. I'm allowing your wife to remain there as a courtesy, since it's the manner to which she has become accustomed. It hardly seems fair to put myself out, or her, for your failure to plan. As to the couch over the bedrooms - why, I have to give you an incentive to find another home, don't I? Otherwise you're likely to freeload as long as I'll let you, and I can't encourage that. You've already shown yourself prone to fits of irresponsibility." I push on his mind, and Bill sighs and sags again.

Rosa sticks her head around the corner. "Excuse me, Mr. ? Dinner is ready."

"Thank you, Rosa." I turn back to Bill and Rebecca. "I decided to keep Rosa here for now. Why don't you two go get changed and meet me at the dinner table?"

The dinner seating is a bit restrained. I seat myself at the head of the table, with Bill at the other end and his wife and daughters in between. Throughout the meal I press on the womens' minds as much as I'm able, willing them to be more comfortable with the whole situation. I put special attention on Rebecca; by the end of dinner she's looking forward to sharing a bed with the benevolent stranger. Rosa's sundress exposes quite a bit of her breasts whenever she leans over the table to serve. I can feel my passions rekindling.


What happens that night?

          Sleeping with the enemy.


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