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The Slut Family | Acorn142 | 2


You pull on your shirt and comb your hair, still wet from your shower, and head into the kitchen to grab a bite to eat. Yes, you’ve already had breakfast this morning, but you’ve long since burned through those calories and are still running deficit from the night before.

You were disappointed to learn Kyle had moved while you were at college. You had looked forward to surprising him at his front porch and then spending the rest of the night getting reamed by him. He didn’t have the biggest cock in the world by any means, but his abdominal muscles were so well defined that it turned his lower body into a veritable jackhammer of power. When he did you doggy style, you needed knee pads to protect them from carpet burn. One time he drilled you in the front yard after school. He had you on your back, with your ankles up on his shoulders. The force of his thrusts sent you skidding across the yard, so when you got up, your back looked like you were turning into the Hulk.

It could have been a real letdown that Kyle wasn’t there to greet you, but fortunately the MILF who answered the door was more than welcoming. You never did quite get her name, but what you did get was the very thing you needed. True, she was old enough to be your mom – older, in fact, but she sure was not lacking in the energy department. She had you going all night long and would probably still have her legs wrapped around you if she didn’t have to get to the airport to pick up her son, who is coming home from the Marines.

A lively and enjoyable threesome with your brother, Aron, and his slutty friend, Vanessa, followed shortly after that, and now you are surprised that your first full day of summer vacation is half over, and you haven’t even made contact with any of your hometown friends.

You haven’t seen much of your sister, Candy, since you got home. She may be in her room, or she could be out, looking for the same thing you are.

You hear voices coming down the hallway and look up to see Aron and Vanessa, finally emerging from Aron’s room. Vanessa is dressed and appears to be on her way home. Aron is in his boxer briefs, identical to yours, and wearing nothing else. You gaze at both of them admiringly. Vanessa is a true slut, so you’ve drilled her countless times, solo, with Aron in a threesome, and with others. As far as Aron goes, you’ve been in more sexual situations with him than you can remember. His sexual preferences are about as straight as they come, but he’s always been a lot more relaxed about doing things with you. So far it hasn’t been outright man-on-man stuff, but you suspect you are wearing down his defenses. Like a couple of hours ago when you were tonguing Vanessa as Aron fucked her … You licked Bryan’s dick more than once, and you’re pretty sure he knew it, but that seemed to be ok with him.

Vanessa says goodbye to Aron, and for a few minutes, it looks like they’re going to start going at it again, as she rubs her body up and down Aron’s. Finally they break it off, and Vanessa heads home. As Aron grabs a glass of juice to replenish his bodily fluids, you admire the outline of his boner, fighting against the front of his boxer briefs.

“What’cha gonna do today, Bro?” Aron asks you.

That’s a good question. Actually, the better question is “WHO” are you gonna do today, and in what order.

Your phone beeps reminding you of the voicemail you listened to earlier. Kyle heard you were in town and wanted you to know his new address. Plus, he is having some friends over for a “Start of Summer BBQ” and wanted you to know you’re invited. You haven’t spent much time with Candy lately, and you could check and see if she is home and wants to do something. Or you could hang with Aron and go on the prowl together.


What do you want to do?

          The brothers visit their old coach and his family

          Go relax at the beach

          Call Kyle

          Look for your mother

          Actually, this is all a dream and you are still at college


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