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The Slut Family | Acorn142 | 2


Marsha woke up to the sound of pounding. She rubbed her eyes, surprised to have such a hangover, since she didn't remember drinking last night. Then, as sleepiness left her, she realized she didn't have a headache at all; still, the pounding continued.

That's when she remembered: the kids are home from college for the summer. The pounding is coming from the rooms on either side and across the hall. With the kids being in college all year, she forgot what it was like when they all entertained guests at the same time. For the millionth time since they became teenagers, she wished these walls had more soundproofing.

The pounding in the room to her right increased in speed. She could hear a girls' frantic cries of "faster! Harder! Right there!" The only response you hear is grunting and moaning from a male voice. Who the male is, you haven't got a clue, but the girl is your daughter, Candy. It's not the first time you've laid there, listening to her getting pounded by her latest flavor of the day.

She's such a slut! You wonder where she gets it from.

"Uhggg.... What's that awful noise?"

The voice comes from the boy laying beside you in your bed. Troy? Was that his name? No... Troy was the newspaper boy who came by yesterday morning to get paid. He got his money -- and an hour-long fuck session on the dining room table.

Was it Dennis? No... That's the college kid who changed your oil on Thursday while you let him check your oil with his 8-inch dipstick.

This boy must be.... Oh, hell. It doesn't matter. You probably won't see him again after one more quick screw.

You roll him over on you and feel him starting to wake up -- between the legs anyway. As you stick your tongue in his ear and rub his ass, you hear voices coming from the room on your left.

This time you recognize both voices. The male voice is your son, Aron, who is engaged in a very stimulating conversation with a neighbor girl named Vanessa. The conversation, as best as you could tell, went something like this:

Aron: "Say it! You know you want it... Say it and beg for it."

Vanessa: "Yes, I want it! Fuck me with that hard cock of yours. Make me your slut!"

Aron: "Tell me where you want it, you little whore."

Vanessa: "Give it to me in my ass! Drive it hard into me!"

You should be shocked, but you're not. Aron may be a bit on the scrawny side, but you've heard this side of him before -- especially with Vanessa, who has been sneaking into Aron's room for years until you just gave up and let them do it whenever they wanted. You aren't surprised they spent the night together. With Aron in college and Vanessa still a high school senior, they haven't had much chance to satisfy their cravings for each other, although you have had Vanessa over a few times yourself to offer her some motherly attention.

The room across the hall is your other son's, Bryan. There's never any predicting who is going to be in there with him. Girls, boys, married women, married men.... You've seen them all come out of his room, sweaty, disheveled, and out of breath.

If there are voices coming out of his room now, you can't hear them. Your nameless boy toy has now come fully awake and is driving his dick into you with surprising force for someone his size, causing your own bed to bang against the wall, drowning out all other sounds.

You wrap your legs around him, pulling him into you as deep as possible. He probably isn't going to last long so you want to make the most of it before you start your planning about who the next fuck toy will be.


Head out for breakfast or engage him for Round 2?


          Actually, this is all just a dream, and you wake up to an empty house


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