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Create a Wrestler | ThaCat005 | 78


Crimson twisted her arm and wrapped it around his in a judo lock. Hammer was forced down to one knee.

"If you practiced, then perhaps I'll need to TRY this time." Crimson said.

Hammer stood up. Crimson was shocked. He lifted her overhead and threw her straight at a pack of her party guests.

He picked up Casey and Zoe and put one over each shoulder.

"Sorry ladies but you ain't even half a match for Crimson right now. I came to get you outta here."

Hammer grabbed a cloth napkin, poured some alcohol on it, set it on fire with a candle and threw it at the water sprinklers. The lights shut out, an alarm went off and the water started coming down. "That'll keep her occupied for a while" he said.


Everyone heard Crimson's voice, although they couldn't see her.

"Hammer, you tell Bethany that I WILL PAY HER BACK FOR THIS! DO YOU HEAR ME?"

As soon as they were outside the building, Hammer put Casey and Zoe inside a taxi cab, then sat down in the drivers seat.

"You girls know why Crimson calls herself the Alpha and Omega?" He asked.

"I thought she was just talkin." Casey said.

"Nope. Ha. You don't even know who Crimson is, do you? Wasn't real bright for you to go chasing after her knowing nothing... oh yeah but I forget, you're both tied up in Project Wonderland aren't you? Look. I ain't got time to tell you the whole story, so here's the short part. Crimson's a prototype. After the early days when the Project was testing its method, she was an experiment to see how far they could go. It worked too well. Crimson became too strong, too smart, and uncontrollable."

"Then who stopped her?" Zoe asked.

"No one stopped her. More like stalemate. Crimson started her organization in Japan. She was on the same level as Tanya back in the states until the Japanese economy crashed in the 90s. Now she has to work through Tifa and the Yakuza."

"And who the hell's Bethany?" Casey asked.

"Now I'm not even positve on these details, but here's what I know. Bethany was the co-founder of Project Wonderland. The official story, before it disappeared, was that Project Wonderland was a project to counter the Nazi supersoldiers back in World War II, and it was cancelled when the Nazis didn't actually have supersoldiers. But Bethany and her partner kept the project going. I lived through that part, because I was one of the first projects. I'm close to 90 years old girls, and at the rate I'm living after what they did to me I'll probably live to 150."

He took a deep breath.

"And Crimson? They did more of it to her. You saw her body. She's so perfect she isn't hardly even human. That's why she calls herself the Omega. She thinks she's beyond all of us, and maybe she is. As for Bethany and her partner, I lost track of them during the Cold War. Somewhere along there Crimson got that helmet on me, and I quit trying to find out what was going on with the Project after that."

"So who's Bethany?" Casey and Zoe spoke at the same time.

"If I actually guess, I'm sure she'll hear me, and she'll disappear, and we don't want that. Crimson may be stronger than any human before or since, and a genius to boot, but Bethany is to smarts what Crimson is to human physical ability."

Zoe spoke up. "And what about Bethany's partner, what can you tell us about her?"

"All I can tell you bout her is her name." Black Hammer said.

"It was Megan McVan."


What do they do now?

          They get someone who can help


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