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Photographer's Muse | smlfox | 8


"W..what do you mean?" stammers, caught off guard.

"Do you love me as more than a friend?" rephrases her question, but shies herself away from him.

"Why are you asking me this?" nearly shouts, confused and afraid of saying the wrong thing.

Finally, she gets the strength and courage to look at him. "We've known each other for as long as we can remember. Tonight alone you've protected me and built me back up when John completely shattered me. I know you may think I'm just in vulnerable state, but that's not where this is coming from. I just need to know, do you love me?"

responds with "now that you can dance?" And they both laugh, breaking the tension.

"I guess," he begins. "I love you like a sister, you're my best friend. But at the same time, I can see there being more. You know I find you physically attractive and...yes, I think if the oppurtunity arose I would date you if that's what you mean." He hangs his head, afraid of what is to come.

takes a deep breath. "Would you photograph me nude?"


Would he?



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