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Mystery Shop | Castle | 3


You decide one potion isn't going to cut it, so you set it down and wander about the store, pointing out whatever strikes your fancy.

"What's this?" you ask while holding up a small brass cylinder.

"That's heartstring lipstick." she says "When someone wears it and whispers another’s name, the person will hear whatever the whisperer says as if they were their own thoughts."

"So I could plant ideas in other people's minds? Neat." you say as you continue to browse. "Looks like you ran out of this." you say holding up an empty perfume bottle.

"Not at all." She says with a smile. "That is a thought vacuum. Point it at someone and let go of the bulb to suck in their thoughts. If you blow it out into your ear, you can hear what they were thinking."

"One to put thoughts in, another to take them out. Cute." you say as you pick up a small book with a picture of a boy laying in the grass under a tree. You flip it open, but the pages are blank. "Was this supposed to have something in it?"

"Not yet. You have to give it a name and then it will show you their desires."

"A lot of things here to find out what people are thinking and a few things to drop some hints. Where do you keep the objects of great magical power?" You say, disappointed you haven't found anything to just take over people or grant wishes.

"Those aren't for the inexperienced or cheap." she says, pinning you with an appraising glance. "If you have the money, I can show you a few. What did you have in mind?"

"I don't know, something powerful." you say, unsure what you want as well, "How about something satisfy my lusts?"

She smiles at you and pulls aside a tapestry. "Follow me." She pulls the tapestry closed behind you and turns on a light. Stone stairs descend and the sounds outside quiet to a complete silence. She opens a lock on a thick wooden door and you step inside. The artifacts arrayed here make the ones upstairs seem like what they were, trinkets for tourists.

She walks over to a table with what looks like a small ancient Barbie doll asleep on a doll bed. "Was this more what you were looking for?"

"What's that?"

"A homunculus. All you need is a piece of hair or clothing, something someone has handled, and you can have your own copy of her when ever you want. It will be yours to command, but although it will be obedient, it will have every bit of personality as the true person." She demonstrated by pulling out a hair and tying it around the doll's arm. The doll stood up and transformed into another sales girl, although wearing the sheer lace teddy the doll was. You could see her trimmed pubic hair through the thin fabric.

"Satisfied?" the two sales girls say at once. The true one takes hold of the homunculus' hand and it reverts back to a doll.

You begin to wonder if these might just be to powerful for you. And the way she is looking at you makes you sure she knew what you would see when she demonstrated how to use the homunculus. You consider maybe just trying out something up stairs. Maybe getting her name for that picture book. But there is so much more to see down here...


Stay down here or go back up?


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