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When Temptation Rears It's Head | childofasmodeus | 5


Jack woke the next day with some residual anger. Emily was a good kid, got good grades, and was involved in sports. But if he let her go online and shake her ass for anyone with a computer, what kind of father would he be. Not to mention the small chance that some one from a college or future employer might stumble on to her little underpants dance video.

Jack was also wise enough to know that he was far too tempted to keep from watching the video again, and the only way to keep himself in check was to get Emily to delete the video.

Starting the day with a stern lecture was just going to put everyone in a bad mood so Jack bid his time. He was controlled enough to wait until after Kim had gone home so he wouldn't embarrass Emily anymore than he had to. Once she knew that her father had seen her shaking her ass online she'd be embarrassed enough.

Late in the afternoon Jack knocked on Emily's bedroom door and let himself in. His daughter was sitting cross legged on her bed reading from one of her school books. It was going to be hard to yell at his daughter when he walked in on her studying.

"Most people wait for an answer to their knock before opening the door," Emily said sarcastically. She was smiling though, so Jack knew she was more teasing him than upset.

Jack drank in the sight of his beautiful daughter. Her red hair hung loosely down to her shoulders, one side tucked behind her left ear. She hadn't bothered to get dressed all day so she was still in her powder blue pajama bottoms and a baggy tee shirt. Even baggy, the form of her firm breasts showed through the shirt. Jack thought he caught the outline of a nipple, but quickly pulled his eyes away.

"Stay focused," he thought to himself.

To Emily he said, "Ordinarily I'd be sure to follow proper protocol, but I'm afraid I'm here on parental business".

Emily sat up and closed her text book. She looked slightly alarmed, certainly trying to remember what she may have done wrong. "OK, what could be so serious that it means you have to barge into my room?"

Jack was in trouble. His daughter was already acting defensive and he could see by her body language that she was looking for a fight. Damn, how he hated teenage girls sometimes. Ignoring her tone he reminded himself that he was the parent here.

"Your little dancing video that you posted online, well guess what, your father saw it. And he does not approve," Jack said, crossing his arms and leaning against the door frame to her room.

"Oh Christ, who cares? It's not like I was doing a porno shoot. I'm 18 you know? And quit talking about yourself in the 3rd person, it's lame and you're not a basketball star. Now get out of my room, I have a test to study for, to keep my grades up so I don't have to become a stripper. My father wouldn't approve you know?" Emily said, standing up to push him out of the room and close the door.

Jack felt his temper rising far too quickly. "You listen here little miss thing, 18 or not you still live under my roof and you will do as I say!" Jack grabbed his daughter by the arms, wanting to shake her but keeping control of himself, just barely.

"Whatever! Then maybe I will go strip. Then I can move out and not have to worry about your stupid rules and all your little control issues!" Emily yelled.

This was getting away from Jack. He was losing this one and he knew it. "Do whatever you want, but until your illustrious dance career takes off and you move out, delete that damned video and stop acting so childish!"

"Let go of me and get the fuck out of my room!" Emily screamed at him.

Emily had never swore at Jack before. It shocked him as much as it angered him.
"You say you're 18, yet you act like a damned child. Don't you ever swear at me-"

"Fuck you!" Emily cut him off.

Jack's anger boiled over and got the best of him. He spun Emily around and pushed her towards the bed. Not hard, but with enough force to knock her off balance and cause her to put her hands down on the bed to catch herself.

"If you want to act so childish, I'll treat you like a child," Jack said sternly and swatted her on the ass.

"What the hell?!" His daughter yelled.

Jack's answer was another slap on the ass. "You aren't too old for a spanking. Now take down the damn video, and don't swear at me."

Jack took a deep breath, calmed himself somewhat and started to back away. He couldn't help but look at Emily's pajama clad ass as she bent over her bed. He knew he should walk away but the anger had him too riled up to think straight.

"And if I don't? You going to kick me out? Make me go live with Mom? It's not like you can delete the video. And she won't care what I do," Emily said looking over her shoulder defiantly.

Jack felt his face flush with anger once more. He should just leave, walk away and try and sort this out later when they had both cooled off. Of course Jack could also just finish what he started and spank her ass until she agreed that he was right. Deep down he knew his motivations for spanking his daughter weren't all about discipline, but he also knew that he had he perfect excuse to continue now.


Walk away, or see where this goes?


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