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A naïve princess | kiahoga | 27


At your question, Gwen glanced at Lilith, who nodded slightly before taking a sip of her wine.

Arching an eyebrow Gwen says, “How, what, your highness. How am I here in this castle?”

You nod in reply, not saying anything, and Gwen continues “Simply put your Highness Ultimately I’m here because of you.”

Shaking, you remember that two days after you trysted with them that Gwen and Ludo had disappeared from court. The Gossips around court for a couple weeks afterwards, whispered that Gwen and Ludo had fled to the free cities. They were quite exalted at the Noble and her Minstrel lover, and how deliciously clichéd a scandal it was.

Shocked, you felt compelled to ask “ But, but what about Ludo?”

Before Gwen could answer, there was another knock at the door.

“What is it?’” Lilith called out.

The door opened, and the guard looked in “You Grace, there is a messenger here for you from the High Warlock.”

“Tell him ill receive him in my sitting room,” Lilith said, with what you could only describe as a look a wicked Joy.

Getting up, the Demonologist turned you, “Princess Liandra, dinner is in four hours, and you will be joining us.” Lilith ordered “You will find suitable clothing in your chest, and if you need a maid will take you to the bathing chamber to clean up.”

You watched Lilith then turned to Gwen Capturing her lips with hers. Eagerly, Gwen’s mouth opened, letting Lilith’s tongue into her mouth with a moan of pleasure. Breaking the kiss Lilith Gently nipped Gwen’s upper lip causing the muscles low in your belly to clench in reaction.

“Wait for me in my chamber.” Lilith Orders, and still nude sweeps from the room.

You watch, as a shivering Gwen, takes a moment, her eyes closed, as she gathers herself.

With a deep breath Gwen opens her eyes again and you once again ask, “Gwen, what happened to Ludo.”


Is Liandra convincing enough to get Gwen to tell her?

          Liandra gets part of the story


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