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Lara Croft and the jungle of Biggo Cocko | bungakawa2011 | 6


With a disgusted smirk on her face, Lara prodded the closest blob of white slime with her improvised tool. The large green leaf sank into it, and when she pulled it up, the strange substance stretched in long tendrils that dangled under the cup. Lara brought the slime-covered leaf to her nose, carefully and apprehensively. The white stuff gave a faint smell that she couldn't place. Its surface was very smooth with an oily shine. Though she had tried not to touch the slime with her fingers, some of it had overflowed from the leaf and she could feel the substance was as sticky as it was thick. There was no denying it: it was not semen, or at least not a kind she was familiar with, but it was the closest natural imitation of sperm she had ever seen.

Suddenly, something tugged on her arm; Lara cried out in surprise, but before she could make sense of what was happening, she was hoisted up high into the trees, so high she broke through the green ceiling and found herself surrounded by the trees' highest boughs, all of them sagged by the weight of huge vines and overgrown leaves. Barely daring to breathe, Lara held on for dear life to the vine she had wrapped around her wrist, before she realized the horrible truth: she wasn't holding on to it as much as it was holding on to her! She could feel now how tight its grasp had become; incredulous, she saw it move up her forearm, slowly, as a snake would creep towards its prey and wrap itself around it. With her free hand, Lara began clawing at the sentient plant. Her actions made her surroundings stir, and in a few seconds, several large green vines slammed into her from all sides, as if they were the limbs of a nightmarish creature intent on subjugating her. This was beyond anything Lara had ever experienced, and despite her cries, her kicks, her desperate efforts, before long she found both her arms were rendered useless by the creeping plants wrapped tightly around them. Her strength was exhausted, and as soon as she stopped struggling, most of the vines retreated and went back to sleep on the overburdened branches.

Lara remained there, hanging by her arms but otherwise unscathed. She waited. What else could she do? She looked down at her feet, dangling uselessly below her. Just as useless, her breasts hung heavily, the one the gorilla had crushed still a little swollen. She looked up: her hands and forearms were entirely lost in an entangled mess of vines of various shades. How long would that... thing... or things... see fit to let her hang like that?

For a split second, Lara thought she saw something fall; it was just a blur that zipped past her eyes, but it vanished before she could react. It was followed soon after by another thing, then another; shapeless whitish forms were falling from the sky and plunging straight down, so close they almost hit her on their way down. Lara looked up. Two things were slithering through the branches overhead, and were heading for her. The nearer they got, the more horrible they seemed to the captive female: they moved like snakes, though their dark green body was featureless. They were thicker than the other vines around; as far as she could tell, they were larger than her arms, and their body was entirely covered in a translucent slime. They were disgusting enough, but before Lara's horrified eyes, she saw the head - for lack of a better word - of those two creatures oozed that revolting white substance she had seen floating in the water far below. Every few seconds, their elongated bodies quivered and spit a blob of slime that fell through the branches and leaves and into the small river.
"No... FUCK no!" Lara squealed.
But the two slimy things crept forward nonetheless.


Oh nooooo! Don't tell me Lara will be mercilessly ravaged by tentacle-like creatures!

          Thoroughly skewering Miss Croft...


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