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Wishful Thinking | CLITaurus | 14


Amina reads you mind and smiles. “You’re right, there are different types of geek girls and perhaps those with active imaginations are more attractive. You really should see the Dungeons and Dragons club today, you are their DM.” She leads you to one of the doors in the hall and then hands you a pile of books which she produces from mid air “Here you’ll need these.”

You open the door and find yourself in a small study room with an old wooden table in the middle around which are seated four attractive girls, each with a piece of paper in front of her, who all look up at you expectantly.

To your immediate left is a skinny blond girl with glasses who smiles at you without opening her mouth. From the paper in front of her you can see her name is Elena, and her character is Jana the Strong, a Human Fighter. Next to her sits a voluptuous brunette with breasts so large they are obviously straining the buttons of her shirt which itself seems to be the largest size available. As your gaze is drawn to these prodigious examples of mammary-hood you notice the crucifix at the top of her cleavage. You quickly look at her character sheet which informs you her name is Clara and her character is Serena the Elvin Cleric. Across from her sits an Asian girl with large milk-bottle glasses which she is constantly pushing up her cute little nose and her hair in two cute pony-tails. Her name is Mai and her character is Tara the Half-Elf Rogue. Next to her sits a pale, slim, freckled redhead, with short hair and green eyes. Her name (from her character sheet) is Felicity and she is playing Sif the human wizard.

You sit down at the head of the table behind a cardboard screen with a lot of numbers on it. “Where were we?” you ask.

“We were about to enter the inner sanctum of the evil wizard who has been abducting the priestesses from the temple.” Says Elena and you notice her teeth are a little big for her mouth, not unattractively so, but enough that she is probably teased and very self-conscious about it.

“The virgin priestesses!” says Clara. “I’m sure he’s planning on sacrificing them to some dark god or demon!”

“O.k.” you say looking at the laminated board in front of you covered with squares and a black drawing in marker that you guess must be a door. “So how are you going to enter?”

“I check the door for traps” says Mai.

“No traps” you say reading your notes.

“Pick the lock” says Mai.

“Not locked” you say.

“That’s suspicious” says Clara

“Screw suspicious” says Elena “… Oh sorry sir I …” she blushes from her hairline to her cleavage, quite attractively as it turns out.

“Never mind,” you say “Let’s put it down to really getting into the game”

“O.k. … um … I kick the door open and charge in”

As she does Amina reads you mind and suddenly the world changes and the girls find themselves in the bodies of their characters in the fantasy world you have created while you are suddenly the Evil Wizard. All the girls feel as if it is a dream or really intense visualization and continue to act as if they were still role-playing their characters instead of how they would were it real.

You are standing on a dais covered, looking down at the door that Jana/Elena has just burst through. Around you, on pillows at your feet and on the stairs, lounge the supine forms of the nearly identical, formerly virgin, priestesses looking up at you with faces full of love and contentment.

There is no time to consider this as Jana/Elena is bearing down on you with an axe. She is still blonde but now has no glasses and has a rack that is bigger than Clara’s, thanks to the fact that she is physically larger than any of the other girls, although she seems to have not an ounce of fat on her body. She is also dressed in a combination of hides and plate-mail with a breast-plate that lives up to the name better than any has before.

You quickly raise the book in your hand which, while it looks impressive with its leather cover and huge number of moldering pages, actually contains nothing more than photocopies of the various spells from the D&D sourcebooks. Since there are no ‘magic’ words or gestures you decide to just point and name the spell

“HOLD PERSON!” you shout pointing at Jana/Elena who suddenly stops and freezes in place, her eyes filled with fear.

“Damn” says Sif/Felicity who looks like her player with longer hair, no freckles and a figure hugging violet dress that sets off her slim figure and slightly larger bust. “Quick Clara … I mean Serena … Dispel Magic …”

“SILENCE!” you shout pointing at Serena/Clara who has lost most of her bust, has become slim and elfin with pointed ears, and is dressed in a flowing white robe much like the priestesses. Had she not given her bust to Jana you might be more disappointed. As it is she stands there opening and closing her mouth like a fish trying to work out what to do.

Tara/Mai runs into the room and points a crossbow at you.

“SHIELD” you shout and her crossbow-bolt is stopped by and invisible force-field.

“Crap!” says Tara/Mai and you see she is dressed in a tan leather bustier, jacket and pants, looking more like a biker than a thief. “Sif! Do something! Fireball him!”

“I can’t do that without hitting the priestesses”

“Magic Missile then! Nothing stops that!”

“Except the Shield spell he just put up to stop your crossbow”

“Then how about …”

“I haven’t got anything that’ll hit him without hitting the priestesses”

“You really should invest in the Enchantment school.” you say “Even the area effect spells are harmless to innocents for instance SLEEP”

As you watch three of the four girls slump to the floor leaving only Serena/Clara, it is then you remember that elves are immune to sleep spells. Also, despite the fact that they are supposed to be asleep you allow the other girls to know what is happening, as they would were they simply role-playing.

Unable to cast spells Serena/Clara draws her mace, ready to attack you hand to hand. “There’s no need for that.” You say and remember that Elves are also 90% immune to charm and hold spells which is why you use “SUPERIOR CHARM.” And watch her drop her mace as she realizes how much she loves you and wants to please you. “Now,” you continue, “Why don’t you divest your friends of their weapons, armor and clothing and help them into bed.” You point at the huge bed behind you on the dais. You then look at the ‘priestesses’ “And why don’t you help her ladies” you say and watch them dreamily stand up and make their way down the stairs. You are pleased to see that Amina has changed them so they are now not so identical and are more realistic and less ‘fantasy art’ and no longer an insult to real women like your ‘players’. The priestesses walk over and join Serena/Clara in removing the ‘player character’s’ armor, weapons and clothing and then carrying them to the bed. As they do you look at the three ‘characters’ and note the difference between them and the girls who ‘play’ them.

As you noted before Jana looks like Elena without the glasses and with a muscular athletic body instead of Elena’s skinny little one. Unlike most muscular women, however, her muscles have not developed at the expense of her breast-size which is truly prodigious, although not enough to match the joke boobs that some porn-starlets get, and are therefore not disgustingly big.

Tara looks almost identical to Mai except for her lack of glasses and slightly pointed ears. The rest of her looks like what you imagine an 18 year old Asian hottie looks like, right down to the almost undetectable line of pubic hair above her tight little pussy.

While you have yet to see under Felicity’s uniform you are pretty sure that she has freckles covering her body and not tattoos. Sif, on the other hand, is covered from neck to ankle with wonderfully rendered body art including a raven across her cleavage holding a pair of pentacles circling her nipples. Combinations of flames, lightning, ice, waves thorns and various other natural phenomena mix together down each arm from shoulder to wrist. Her back is printed with rainbow-colored angel wings and a trio of stars sits below them just above her ass. Her stomach is a vortex of black, purple and red with her belly button as its focus and just above her slit, where her pubic hair should be is drawn a pink jewel which seems to point to her most valuable treasure.

As the girls are piled on the bed you turn to Selena/Clara and say “Why don’t you take off your clothes and join us, my dear, then I can awaken your friends and we can all enjoy each other.” As she removes her clothing you look at her body. She has lost her voluptuousness and the breasts that went with it, obviously because Clara isn’t happy about them. You’ve heard that girls can be even crueler to those girls with overly large breasts than flat-chested ones, probably out of jealousy, and this seems to support the idea. Not that Serena’s breasts that are small, but they are of a more average size for her body than Clara’s. The rest of her is slim, in keeping with her elfin race and has not a single hair on it below the neck.

You cast the same “SUPERIOR CHARM” spell over the other girls as you did on Serena, remove the “SILENCE” spell from her, and then cast an additional spell of your own devising over all four to intensify their pleasure and the sensitivity of their erogenous zones. You then awaken the three sleeping beauties, who all look at you with desire in their eyes. As Serena/Clara finishes undressing and joins the other three on the bed the other priestesses go back to lying on their pillows. You look at the four naked adventuresses.

“So” you ask “How should we choose which of you gets to enjoy my ‘magic rod’ first? Should I choose or do you want to compete for it?”


Which do they choose?

          They let you choose

          Use a little magic to fix Clara's body issues


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