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Krystal in Serving in Hell's Harems | kmwnname | 21


Krystal was new to the life of a Succubus Warrior in the Army of Infernal Renewal. She’d just returned from her first trip from Hell and she knew she was still a rookie in the seducing women game. Whilst Akiko had fallen easily to Krystal’s charms, Danica would obviously be a much tougher proposition and let’s face it, Krystal had orgasmic energy quotas to fill. It made a lot more sense to the horny succubus to go for the easy prey of Trina.

“So, it’s alright for me to crash here tonight isn’t it Krystal?” Danica asked, obviously still tense from her earlier encounter. Krystal took another look at her neighbour, seeing the shorter brunette in a new light. Krystal had always thought Danica had a cute face and figure (with a particularly sexy little butt) but now it was taking all of her willpower not to attack Danica’s good bits with her mouth.

“Of course you can stay here. But I’m sure this thing with Trina is all just a big misunderstanding. Why don’t I go have a talk to her and clear it all up? It’d be silly for you to move out.” Krystal replied, demonic plans forming in her mind. Danica protested, “No, she asked to lick my pussy, it was pretty straightfo...” Krystal interrupted, and pulled Danica in for a hug, pushing the freaked-out straight girls face towards Krystal’s bosom.

“Come on now Danica, you’ve been roommates with Trina for a long time. I’m sure it’s all just a misunderstanding. Let Krystal sort it all out for you.” Krystal said, then lightly rubbed Danica’s shoulders. “Wow, you feel really tense. Why don’t I draw you a hot bath? Then you can go relax while I sort everything out.” “Actually, yeah that sounds good. Thanks Krystal. You’re such a good friend.” Danica replied, already beginning to calm down from her panicked state of before.

Krystal left Danica in the apartment’s living room and went off to the bathroom to pour out a hot bath. Krystal knew that this was the perfect opportunity to prime Danica for seduction whilst Krystal was out fucking Trina. Krystal started the bath and also lit one of her favourite incense candles, knowing that it was something she liked for her bathtime masturbation sessions. Krystal opened up her bag full of orgasmic energy tools and looked at what might be useful. She decided to leave behind the Demonic Dildo, placing it in a position where Danica was sure to see the humongous red monstrosity.

Krystal also took out what looked to be a roll of condoms, opening up the first packet. Instead of there being a condom in the packet there was an oval shaped glassy looking thing which kind of looked like an eye. It was in fact the demonic equivalent of a hidden camera, which would record everything that happened in the bathroom and send the footage to AIR’s Intelligence Division/Porno Theatre. Krystal would be able to know everything that happens to Danica in the bathroom.

Krystal walked out of the bathroom, still in her bathrobe and carrying her bag of ogasmic energy tools. “The bath’s all ready for you now Dani, have fun and I’ll be back once I’ve sorted everything out.” Krystal said to her friend. Danica leapt at Krystal, giving her a big hug, not noticing through the bathrobe how the contact excited the succubus.

“Thank you so much for this, you’re such a good friend.” Danica said into Krystal’s ear, then let go of her friend and went into the bathroom. Krystal for a moment considered forgetting about Trina and following the sexy girl into the bathroom. She quickly threw the idea out, her seduction of Danica was at a very delicate point and any sudden moves could blow it entirely.

Krystal exited her apartment and went down the hall to Trina and Danica’s place. Thinking back, she really should have realised that Trina was a lesbian sooner. All the long lingering looks and flirty compliments made a lot more sense now. Already horny from her encounter with Danica, Krystal couldn’t wait to start licking the tall, athletic and blonde Trina. Krystal knocked at the door which was nearly immediately opened. Krystal was surprised by the sight which greeted her.


What sight is greeting Krystal? What happens to Danica in the bathroom?

          Krystal is greeted by a nude Trina


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