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The Blackout Party | ZombieToph | 1


It must have gone on for hours and yet the music is still pounding strong in your ears, the alcohol never ending, the dancing hardly stopping, the party grinding on into the night.

"G'me somemore," you slur to your friend, James, who is in charge of the bar. He laughs at you, but you don't care - you know you're drunk but you will keep drinking damn it!

"Sure dude," he says, handing you a quarter full bottle of Smirnoff - you down it in a single go, barely tasting the strong drink. "Yo, go easy man!"

"I'mfh fine," you sputter back, returning blearily to the dance floor. A petite girl you don't know begins grinding her ass over your very erect penis - you sway with her, your hands running up and down her sides, just grazing her firm breasts as you move.

The song ends and the girl drunkenly kisses you while squeezing your crotch once before heading off to grind on some other guy.

The world is weirdly getting very fast as you dance around, sometimes with someone, sometimes alone in the mix of people, you don't even know what you're doing anymore or who you dance with, one time you think you might have been sandwiched between two other drunk dancers...

The party is still going strong, but you're tired - you stumble off the dance floor and find a chair in a nearby bedroom; there is a couple in here making out, half naked, but they take no notice of you.

Someone sits down next to you, "Looks like they're having fun, huh?"

You suddenly realize that its Katie, your best friend's girlfriend!

"Yeah, vwish I was having thmuh fun."

She laughed, "Sounds like you are though, ! How drunk are you?"

"Soooooo muchs!"

She giggles more and you feel strangely excited to make her laugh.

"Dyno where Sam is," you question, wondering why he isn't with her at the moment, making out on the bed instead of the two people there now. "Ists he dancing?

She looks at you strangely, "... he's right there. He's on the bed with Allan."

"Whaa," you exclaim in shock, now recognizing your best friend locking lips with your gym partner. "He's... you dun't care, you known?!"

She smiled, "I've known for awhile now, you guys aren't as good as hiding things as you think. Did you honestly think I didn't know what was going on when you slept over his house?"

You hasten to respond, trying to make her understand, "Busat wasn't all time! Jus afew an never allway! Ve had jus... y'know jerked eaother off sumotimes..."

"And gave each other blowjobs," she supplied, giggling.

You're blushing by now, "We, it not nurmal thing, jus when after porn movie..."

Katie laughed cutely, you can't believe that she isn't bothered that her boyfriend is bisexual and that he's currently about to have sex with a man right in front of her!

"I told him that I knew, and that I'm not bothered by it," she explained, leaning towards you - you notice that her white shirt is barely holding in her rather substantial breasts... and that she obviously isn't wearing a bra... "It actually turns me on a little..."

Her lips were at your ear, you can feel her hot breath as she presses her breasts against your arm, "I said he could have his fun tonight if I could have mine."

And she turned your head and kissed you.


What happens now?


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