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When Temptation Rears It's Head | childofasmodeus | 4


"I have to pick my daughter and her friend up from the mall, but we can grab a cold one until they call. I just have to be OK to drive," Jack said, standing up to get ready to leave.

"In that case, you can drive and I'll get my car later. That way I can get good and buzzed," Carl sneered.

Jack wasn't to keen on playing chauffeur all night, but he knew that most times it was easier just to do what Carl wanted. Carl had a knack for getting his way. Usually by annoying the hell out of everyone until they gave in. Jack assumed he might as well just skip the headache of arguing and drive Carl to the bar and back to his car later.

The two men left the office and went to a bar down the street. It was a small hole in the wall joint, and wasn't too busy since it was still pretty early for a Saturday night. They found a table a little ways away from the bar so they wouldn't have to talk over the other patrons.

The two men drank a few beers and made small talk. As the waitress dropped off their next round and walked away, Carl slapped Jack's arm, "How'd you like to bury your face in that ass?"

Jack took a good look at the waitress as she walked away. "You know Carl, we may actually agree on something for once."

Jack took a long swig of beer as Carl turned to him and said, "So on a scale of 1 to 10, how does that rate compared to your daughters ass? 10 meaning your daughter's is just as firm as that one. 1 meaning you sweet little princess can't even compete."

Jack swallowed and gave Carl the evil eye. "Just what is your new obsession with my daughter?"

Carl laughed and took a swig of his own beer. He was still smiling when he said, "I'm just busting your balls buddy. You know your daughter's cute as hell, and if you can't admit it to yourself, maybe enough beers and some coaxing will get you to admit it to me."

Jack had already admitted it to himself. He had been admiring his daughters cuteness, and more, all afternoon. "She is becoming quite the young woman," Jack allowed himself to say.

This was all Carl needed. He slapped the table, drawing a few glances from the few customers seated near them. "I knew it! You must be dying with that young thing strutting around the house."

The beers had loosened Jack up more than he would have liked. "I'll admit she is more beautiful than her mother."

Carl was still wearing an ear to ear grin. "I saw the picture buddy. She's way hotter than your old lady. She like older men?"

Jack was about to try and change the subject when he felt his cell phone vibrate in his pocket. He fished his phone out, saw it was Emily, and answered. "Hey sweetie."

Carl mumbled almost under his breath, "Is that her, ask her if she likes older men." Then he laughed to himself and went back to nursing his beer.

"OK love. I'm finishing up a drink with Carl, I'll be there shortly. I love you," Jack said, then ended the call.

"Aw, you didn't tell her that I loved her too," Carl complained.

"Can it already. Let's finish these beers. I need to get you back to the office, so you can get your car. The girls aren't going to see a movie so I have to pick them up and get them some dinner," Jack said.

"I'm just starting to feel relaxed man, call her back and say you'll be a little late. I remember the good old days when you could close down a bar and still make it to a 7am meeting. A few more drinks for old times sake," Carl whined.

"I recall being late or missing a lot of those meetings. I'm pretty sure that's why I laid off the sauce for some time," Jack couldn't help but chuckle, "And I have to drive, remember?"

"Oh! I've got it. You drop me off to get my car, right? Then you go get the hotties, right? Meanwhile I drive to the liquor store and get us something better than this swill. You with me so far? And then I meet you at your place and we get good and drunk," Carl's smile was still beaming.

Jack's buzz had reached the point where a good solid drunk sounded pretty fun. It had been a long time since he had allowed himself to cut loose. Plus drinking sounded more fun than hiding in his study watching porn on the computer while his daughter and her friend took over the living room TV.

"Come on man. I won't actually perv on your daughter, I just don't want to go home yet. It's Saturday night, live a little. You deserve it man," Carl pleaded.


What's the plan?

          Jack agrees to Carl's idea


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