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Tomb Raider: Lara's fall into depravation | bungakawa2011 | 5


To hell with it: time to bolt out of here!

Outrunning danger... that was something she had done time and time again. Being forcefully fucked by cocks almost as long as her forearm... well, that had happened too, but... Anyway. She knew her strengths and weaknesses, and if there was something she could handle, it was a good chase.

From the cart, Lara spied on the gathering crowd, waiting for the opportune moment. People smiled and nodded at whatever tale the old hag was telling. Growing horniness made pants bulge and legs twitch, and young women from the crowd, often hiding their embarrassed smile behind one hand, stroke the dogs' cocks when they wandered close to them.

The opportune moment came when one dog took a particular liking to one of the women who had come up to the donkey to play with its stiff rod. The dog bumped into her, sending her to the ground, and when she tried to get up, it jumped right on her back and attempted to mount her. The crowd erupted with laughter and the old woman had to rush to the couple to keep the animal from wasting its sexual urges: it was there to fuck that stupid westerner with huge tits, and it would fuck that stupid westerner with huge tits.

The old woman yanked the dog by the neck and dragged it towards the cart. It was time to start the show, and the crowd stepped forward eagerly. The other dog and the donkey approached as well; they knew their role well. With an evil smirk, the woman pulled on a lever build into the side of the cart, and the wooden walls collapsed, revealing... nothing but an old, dirty blanket.

Lara heard the cry of the old woman and the angry words she barked, perhaps aimed at her, perhaps aimed at the crowd. At first, she had crept away slowly, silently, but now that her escape was discovered, nothing was more important than to put as much distance as possible between her and any potential tracker. She straightened herself and ran ; before long, every step she took made her heavy overgrown juggs bounce high enough to brush against her chin and sway wildly enough to smack against her arms. She sprinted through the maze of muddy back alleys and narrow poorly-kept streets
of the slums ; fortunately, there were very few people wandering about, few people to see her gigantic milk pouches tossed in every direction by her every movements and to hear the curses she muttered under her breath. Lara cursed the humiliation she was forced to endure, and the pain that arose from her chest little used to be rocked so violently without any kind of support, and she cursed especially the people that forced her to flee: she could hear them now, shouting things she didn't understand, clearly angry at being robbed of the show of her body being forcibly used by animals for their sexual gratification.

Had she been at the peak of her form, Lara could have kept running for hours, but after her weeks long sleep and her ordeals of the day, she was on the brink of exhaustion. As much as she dreaded being captured, as much as the thought of submitting to the depraved will of the old woman filled her with rage, her body couldn't keep up that pace for long. She turned into a dark and damp alley, kept in the shadow by taller buildings on both sides, and smashed into a palisade. Her fat airbags absorbed the brunt of the blow; Lara, breathless, fell to the ground. The palisade wasn't much taller than herself, but no... she couldn't muster the energy to climb it. With one arm wrapped around her swollen, painful tits, she crawled behind the dilapidated remains of wooden crates that were gathering moss in a corner. There she listened intently to the cries of the search parties that scoured the area; some were growing fainter by the minute, others were much too close for her taste. There was nothing left for her to do but to wait and hope.


And there she waited until...

          One of the dogs think of using its nose...


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