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When Temptation Rears It's Head | childofasmodeus | 4


Jack got a grip on his lust, if not his aching member, and decided he shouldn't pursue these thoughts of his. It was one thing to accidentally expose himself to his daughter and her friend, but jacking off with the door open so they might catch him masturbating was too much. His lust hadn't completely taken over so he was able to see the consequences that might arrive if the girls caught him masturbating.

Jack tried to find better ways to occupy his time. He checked out some local news articles online and that seemed to help. Eventually his hormones calmed down and he started to feel guilty. He knew he shouldn't be thinking about his daughter like this.

As Jack read the news articles, his thoughts toward his daughter became more fatherly. He found himself going to YouTube and looking at her channel. He knew his daughter posted things online and he often checked to see what she had added. Usually it was typical high school girl stuff. There were a bunch of music videos for her favorite bands, bands that Jack hadn't even heard of. Then there were a couple videos of track meets, and a few of her volleyball games that she had uploaded.

Jack watched a short video of Emily winning a 400 meter race. He beamed with pride as he watched his daughter win. The guilt he had felt earlier vanished as he behaved in a more acceptable manner. Jack was now feeling proud of himself as he scrolled down to see what other videos she had.

Jack's pride came to an abrupt stop as he came to a still image of his daughter in just a bra and underpants with her back to the camera. "What the hell?" Jack mumbled to himself as he clicked Play.

The video was exactly what Jack had feared it would be. It started off with some rap song and his daughter slowly moving her hips to the beat. At first jack was too angry at Emily to be aroused. How could she be so stupid, putting something like this where anybody can see it? As the video went on, Jack watched as his daughter danced and shook her ass to the music. He had watched videos like this of other girls, even masturbated to some, but this was his own daughter.

Emily was clad only in a yellow bra with matching yellow panties. They weren't a thong, but as Jack watched his daughter dip down in part of her dance, they were soon wedged in the crack of her ass.

Jack was a ball of mixed emotions. He was still angry, but as he watched Emily dance, he was soon hypnotized by the movements of her pale ass. He still couldn't believe his daughter was one of those girls looking for attention by posting a video of herself, shaking her ass for all to see. His shock was wearing off though, as his cock stirred in his shorts.

Jack slowly rubbed his member through his shorts as he watched his daughter wiggle her ass. As she bounced and teased the camera, Jack freed his prick from the restraints of his shorts and slowly stroked along.

Jack picked up the pace as his daughter bent over and shook her ass. He knew he shouldn't be doing this, but he also knew he wasn't going to stop.

When the video ended Jack restarted it. He also scrolled down to see some of the comments. The fact that the video had over 13,000 hits made him a little concerned. The first comment was about how that person "Would eat her ass for days". The rest were all in the same vein. They talked about how they'd pound that white ass, or about how she should show more titties. The thought of all these strangers cumming while watching his daughter made Jack even hornier.

He was stroking his cock, getting ready to cum. The thought of him sitting there while his daughter gave him lap dance was about to send him over the edge. Jack was wishing that he could see more in the video. What he would give to be able to see her pussy and asshole. Or better yet, to be able to touch and taste each hole. To be able to cum inside his own daughter.

The thought was more than enough. Jack quickly grabbed a tissue and held it over the head of his dick. He breathed through clenched teeth as he shot his wad into the tissue. He came, imaging that all that seed was shooting up into his daughters womb.

Once Jack's climax ended he stopped the video and swabbed some excess cum from himself with the tissue. Then he threw the soaked tissue into the waste basket and put his limp cock back in his shorts.

There was a tidal wave of guilt as he closed up his lap top. "What have I become?" he thought to himself, "My own baby girl, how could I?" Jack was on the verge of panic. "Maybe I should send her back to live with Wendy," he thought.

"No, no that's no good," he mumbled to himself. As his mind had time to deal with the lack of hormones Jack took a deep breath and calmed down. All he had done was fantasize. No different than he had done all day.

Jack steadied himself and stood up to go downstairs. Before he made it to the stairs, the doorbell rang. Emily and Kim ran out to answer it. Jack watched from the top of the stairs as the two teens paid for the pizza and flirted with the delivery boy. Maybe his daughter wasn't as innocent as he had thought.

Jack descended the stairs and made his way to the kitchen where the girls were helping themselves to the pizza. Jack grabbed a plate and helped himself to a few slices.

"We're gonna eat in the living room and watch TV," Emily said.

Jack still felt a small tinge of guilt and couldn't quite make eye contact with her. "That's fine, I'm going to eat upstairs so I don't have to watch your goofy TV shows about pregnant teens or whatever it is you watch."

Jack laid back in his bed watching sports highlights as he ate his dinner. The guilt had passed quickly enough and he felt like his old self once bedtime came around. Jack took his plate down to the kitchen and yelled goodnight to the girls, telling them not to stay up too late.

After he was back upstairs and under the blankets, he wondered if he should mention the video to his daughter. A father should probably yell at his daughter for putting things like that out in cyber space. Had he not jacked off to it, then there would be no question about it. Secretly Jack feared that Emily would sense what he had done, so he was afraid to bring it up.

He figured he'd sleep on it and see how tomorrow went. In the back of his mind, he knew that if he yelled at her, then she would delete the video and he wouldn't be able to watch it again. This also meant she wouldn't make any new ones.


Jack's Decision...

          Stern, but fair


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