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Tomb Raider: Lara's fall into depravation | bungakawa2011 | 4


As the cart rolled on, noise from the city became louder and louder. Soon, Lara could hear voices calling out to the old woman, and she answered the calls with glee. From her shameful position, the tomb raider shuddered: obviously, the old woman's trade was known, and she wondered how many unfortunate female travelers she had forced to mate with animals to please a vicious crowd.

The hag's face appeared again over the cart edge.
“I hide you now,” she said sternly, “you say no word now.” And with that advice, she threw a dirty, heavy blanket over Lara. It was dusty and small rocks and bits of dry twigs caught in its folds pricked Lara's naked back. She sneezed, and a sharp blow to the head followed almost instantly. “Silence! No word! No sound!” Lara sneered silently. If she weren't bound so tightly...

With nothing to do but to wait for the inevitable and thoroughly humiliating public cross-species copulation, the big-breasted prisoner turned her attention to whatever offered her one last glimpse of hope of escape. For a while, she listened intently to the crowd, hoping to catch an English word or accent, but to no avail. Then, she moved her limbs slowly, one after the other, hoping to find one less tightly bound than the others, but that too proved futile. Then... Then her fingers reached out for anything they could find on the cart floor. The dirty blanket had sprinkled it with various pieces of dirt, but something unusually smooth had fallen just within reach of her right hand. A crazy hope filled her: was it... could it be... Yes! A shard of glass. It was a shard of glass, maybe half the size of her baby finger. A shard of glass... She gripped it as tightly as she could without hurting herself and, twisting and turning her arm, she managed to bring it in contact with the rope fastened around her forearm.

For what felt like ages, Lara hacked and sawed at the rope. The cart stopped moving, and she could hear the old crone hawking her show. Time was running short; as soon as her captor was satisfied with the size and enthusiasm of her public, she would remove the blanket, lower the cart walls, and bring aboard... a dog? A donkey? Something even worse? Lara shuddered.

She could hear the crowd gathering and growing. But she could hear the rope threads snapping one after another. Soon... very soon...

At last! Her right arm was free. Since she had been bound with a single rope that winded around her body, in a matter of seconds, Lara was completely unbounded. She tossed aside the blanket, pulled up her shorts and stretched as much as she could in the small cart, taking great care not to raise a fist or a knee over the dried wooden planks that hid her from view. Then, silently, she crept to a tiny gap between two planks and peeked out at the crowd.

The old woman was standing a short distance away from the cart, and her public respectfully stood in a large half-circle. She had her hand on the back of a donkey, probably the same one that was pulling the cart earlier, and as Lara had guessed, it was a miserable creature, not old, but weak and famished, though obviously eager to serve: a throbbing, fully erect two feet long cock protruded between its hind legs, and the old hag frequently pointed to it with shrill cries. A smiling, bright-eyed young woman stepped forward, leaned down and gave the huge appendage a few strokes, giggling like it was the funniest thing she had ever done. Lara almost let out a cry of disgust. There were also two very large black dogs that ran this way and that, and they too sported a solid foot long erection. These three animals knew their role, knew that soon, their mistress would offer them a new female to possess. Lara's throat tightened. Anything, anything would be better than to be mounted by... by those... things.

The cart was backed against a muddy back alley. If she were careful, she might be able to slip away unnoticed. Well, as unnoticed as a half-naked massively endowed westerner running through the slums of an Indian city can be. The crowd worried her though. If they spotted her, she'd have a mob hot on her tail. And if she stood up and declared she refused to be raped by animals... well, chances were that the crowd would side with the hag that had brought her there. Maybe it would be better for her to wait till the last moment, and to make a run for it at the last second... With a bit of luck, the animals, mad with lust, might cause enough confusion to cover her escape.


What will Lara do?

          To hell with it: time to bolt out of here!


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