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When Temptation Rears It's Head | childofasmodeus | 1


Jack Bryant sat at his desk and reflected on how good he had it. Life was pretty good these days. He was a successful business man that actually liked his job. He had a nice home in a pretty good neighborhood. It was a nice two story with a pool in the backyard. His car was paid for. Jack had no real complaints that he could think of right now.

At 41 years of age he could finally relax and truly believe he had a good life. Jack leaned back in his chair and stretched. After he felt a little looser in his back, he cupped his hands on the back of his head and continued to reflect.

Life had not always seemed so fair. Jack had fallen madly in love with a redhead he had met at college. Her name was Wendy (and was the cause for much teasing), and she had fallen just as hard for Jack. Jack and Wendy seemed to be each other's world, and it was only a matter of time before they were wed.

It was a small reception after college, as neither of them really had money at the time. But what came of the wedding night was more valuable than all the money in the world. The result was their lovely daughter Emily. Jack and Wendy struggled at first, finding it difficult to try and start careers and a family at the same time. They survived on love for the first lean years.

Jack chuckled to himself at the thought of surviving on love. He couldn't help being a hopeless romantic sometimes, even if it made him sound corny. Jack smiled and went back to reminiscing.

Being a father at 23 wasn't all love and sunshine though. The difficulty of a new family and the long hours at the office where he was an entry level peon had eventually wore him down. It had taken some time, but soon Jack had found himself focusing more on his career and less on the two women at home. Wendy had stayed by his side and they tried to keep the fire that had brought them together going, but over time it continued to fade. After a few long years the not-so-happy couple finally called it quits. The job Jack had sacrificed so much for had paid off and he had quickly climbed the corporate ladder. Of course this was at the cost of his wife. Wendy left and took their daughter Emily with her.

It was an ugly divorce and had left Jack in a deep depression. It had taken him several years before he was truly over it. He regretted that he had missed so much time of his daughters life. Between losing himself to the drink and trying to continue to hold on to his job, he had little time left to be in Emily's life.

Eventually time and a few work friends had brought Jack back around. He laid off the sauce and refocused his efforts at work. After securing his own career future with a promotion or two, he tried to work on his relationship with his daughter.

By this time Emily was 13 and didn't really want to be hanging around her parents, let alone spend time with her absentee father. But Jack had persevered and slowly regained her trust.

A few more years down the road and his ex-wife had run into financial troubles. Jack by that time was well to do and had moved into the large home he lives in now. Even though Jack knew it killed Wendy to ask, she had pleaded with him to take Emily in to live with him. Her reasoning being that Emily deserved a better life than Wendy could afford to give her. Jack didn't put up much of a fight and quickly agreed. He wasn't sure how to be a real father, weekend visits and shopping trips were one thing, but now this would be a full time job.

Jack shifted in his chair, and gave a small groan, remembering the tough time he had those first few years raising Emily. Then a smile came back to his lips as he proudly thought that he had done a fairly decent job. Hell, maybe better than decent.

There had been plenty of fights at first, as they got to know each other and struggled into the familiar role of father/daughter. Emily had wanted to push the limits of what she could get away with, and Jack was a worrisome, over-protective father. As time went on though, they learned to get along and even became very close.

By the time Emily was 18, Jack couldn't have been more proud. Emily had been an 'A' student through high school. She hadn't turned out to be a drunk or drug addict. She had the occasional boyfriend, but from what Jack could tell, she didn't sleep around. Emily was also athletic. She was on the volleyball team, and ran track.

Jack beamed with pride as he thought of how well his daughter had turned out.
He was really proud of the young woman she had become. Not to mention how beautiful she was. Luckily she had her mother's looks. She was a gorgeous redhead just like Wendy. She was just the right height, Jack thought maybe 5'6".
All of Emily's after school sports had given her a nice muscular tone to her. She had a nice firm looking backside, as far as Jack could tell. At least he knew it looked firm in those volleyball shorts she'd wear. Emily had also inherited her mother's breasts. Not overly large, maybe a 32 B if he recalled his cup sizes well enough. They seemed the perfect size for her frame.

Jack cleared a lump from his throat and quickly sat forward in his chair. He couldn't help but notice that his penis had become semi-erect. Christ, he'd been picturing his daughter's breasts and ass in her volleyball shorts. Embarrassed, Jack searched around for something to distract himself. He flipped open his laptop and logged into his email. It was Saturday afternoon, but work never really took a day off. From the study in the upstairs of his house he could still get some work done from home. Or the very least, keep his thoughts off his daughter's body.

"Daddy," Emily said as she appeared in the doorway to the study, "Kim and I want to go to the mall and maybe the movies. Can I borrow the car." She cocked her head to the side, trying to be cute, like she did every time she wanted something.

Jack turned to her and tried to keep his guilt from showing. Emily was dressed in cut off jeans that showed far too much of her legs. Her baby doll T-shirt was snug on her perky tits and showed off just a little midriff. Emily's ponytail bobbed as she cocked her head to the other side, waiting for an answer.

Jack had the money to buy Emily her own car, in fact he was already shopping around for one for her graduation present, but for now they shared his. He had felt that if she had to use his car then it would be easier to keep her in line. He knew when he had his own car he would be out drinking and all over the city when he was Emily's age. She wasn't really a wild child, but if she had to worry about getting her old man's car back home by a certain time and in one piece, then maybe it'd help.

Jack met his daughter's gaze then opened his mouth to answer.


Can she borrow the car?

          How could he resist?



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