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The Polygyny Chronicles | Shendude | 4


"Gogo, I hope you don't mind, but I promised that I would first stop by the house of my old friend Irving. It will just be a few minutes."

"Oh, no, Adam, I don't mind at all."

Adam's ego basked a little in the warmth of Gogo's smiling answer. The woman was so innocent, so open, so lovely and sweet ... not to mention so intensely sexual. His darker nature easily imagined Gogo as some purring pet, some living doll he could play with anywhere anytime. He shook his head hard, trying to dispel such retrograde thoughts.

He pulled in at Irving's house and guided Gogo by the elbow up to the door. The bell only chimed once before Joan flung it open.

"Adam, darling, I'm really so glad you stopped by on a night like tonight ... "

Adam was faintly amused as Joan's mental powers seemed to falter as she tried to drink in the image of Gogo.

"Joan," he explained, "this is my secretary Gogo. I've invited her along for the evening's festivities."

"Is Mr. Irving at home?" Gogo wondered curiously.

"Mr. Irving ... ? He's just Irving, my dear, he never wrote 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.' No, he's out of town -- but do come in, my dear, and please take a moment to put your feet up."

Adam smirked as Gogo walked ahead and Joan turned to him quickly to make hand gestures -- arm gestures, really -- describing breasts the size of beanbag chairs with a horrified look slashed across her face. With that out of her system, Joan went right back to being a good hostess.

"So tell me, my dear, what do you drink?"

"Just ice water for me, I still have the drive ahead," said Adam.

"I was asking your secretary Gogo."

"Oh, do you have root beer? I love root beer!"

"Root beer." For a split second Joan seemed to be suffering as if from a bad joke, then brightened. "Why, yes, of course we have root beer."

Just then, Joan's daughter Katie bounded down the stairs.

"Hey, what's going on! Hi Adam!"

Then Katie froze, even worse than Joan had, as she faced Gogo.

"Katie, dear," soothed Joan, "this is Adam's new secretary, Gogo, would you be a good girl and entertain her for just a few minutes, please?"

"Uh ... sure. So! Ah ... let's sit, over here ... Gogo." Katie was clearly thunderstruck, simply mesmerized, by the sight of Gogo's bosom, but she made a good effort of trying to work around that.

"Adam, if I may have just one minute with you in the kitchen, please," urged Joan.

"But of course."

It said something about Joan that she had minibars scattered throughout the house, and the kitchen was just another such hideaway. "So tell me, Adam," she asked as she mixed a drink, "how long have you known this ... Gogo?"

"We met this afternoon."

Joan couldn't take her first gulp of drink fast enough.

"My God. You met her for the first time and fucked her in the same afternoon!?"

"That's a hell of an assumption, Joan."

"But it's an accurate assumption. Isn't it?" Joan scrutinized Adam with a twisted smile. "You don't appreciate it. You don't get it. But I know. I've been there myself. It's the Ziktor Glow. It's the silly, giddy, schoolgirl state of mind you leave a woman in after you've banged her half to death and then back to life again. It happened to me -- even to cynical little me -- and it was all over my daughter that first time you did her, and I see it in your Gogo now too. My God, it's written all over her, she's like some frantic eager puppy, she's so head over heels in lust with you she's standing right back up again -- although how she can stand at all ... Well. We'll just let that go." Joan knit her eyebrows. "How long have you known her?"

"We met a little after three."

"And when did you decide to invite her out?"

"About a quarter to four."

"After you did her. You did her inside of three-quarters of an hour of first meeting her. Oh, don't deny it, I know how you operate -- inviting a woman into your life is de rigeur for being intimate with her. I don't mind, but I am intrigued. Adam ... what happened!?"

"It was ... a thunderbolt. I never felt it before, and I have felt a lot. I saw her and boom, I just wanted her."

"A thunderbolt is an understatement. I would call it a couple of thunderbolts. Twin thunderbolts."

"She's very lovely -- "

"Oh, stop it. Your world is full of lovely women, Adam, but I know you don't fuck them all. It was the tits. The tits got to you." She grinned. "Ohhh ... are you in trouble."

"There's no trouble, Joan."

"The hell there isn't. There are all kinds of women who would love to get their hooks into you, but you've always been a little aloof, so very much in control. In your own way, you are gentlemanly, I grant you that. But you take one look at Gogo's zoomers and all those years of careful control -- wham, bam, right out the window. Oh, I would have so loved to have seen it."

"I don't think Gogo is the sex video type, Joan."

"You do realize this complicates things. You said you wanted to see me for a bit before going out with Flora and Gina."

"And Heather. It turns out Heather will be there too."

"Ha! Perfect. The three women each of whom are the most likely to be the next Mrs. Ziktor -- and you're bringing along your not-so-little Gogo."

"It's the right thing to do."

"Maybe. But is it the diplomatic thing to do? Did you ever pick one, by the way? To be your next wife? I'm not so sure you should marry all of them, you know."

"It's to be Heather."

"The hell it is. That's the intellectual choice. That's the choice you tell yourself to pat yourself on the back for being such an enlightened grownup. You have so much in common, blah blah blah. Adam, face it. You love to fuck Flora. You're always thinking of fucking Flora. For you being with Flora is like being a teenager with Charlotte all over again. You'll be having this beautiful enlightened grownup marriage with Heather, but all you'll really be wanting to do is to fuck Flora. Adam, don't deny it. Admit it. It's Flora."

Adam drank some ice water. "I can't let sex run my entire life."

"A little too late for that, stud. Adam ... you really want to propose to Heather and introduce her to Gogo in the same evening? Really?"

"All right. I suppose not. Tonight will be ... just another outing."

"Your first fivesome."

"Joan, don't be a tease. Gogo isn't that way."

"She may easily become that way, if only to satisfy you. I hate to have to care about the survival of a big-busted woman, but ... please watch out for her. I have to admit, she seems really nice."

Adam kissed Joan. "I knew I had to see you."

"Irving comes back the day after tomorrow. Please make it over here before then? Please? Katie would love it too."

"I'll be over," he promised.

At last Gogo got her root beer, and the four chatted a while. Katie was clearly still stupefied by Gogo's bosom, although she began to glance back and forth between Gogo and Adam, as if slowly beginning to put something together.

"That went well, " Adam decided as they got back in the car. "And now you'll get to meet my daughter's friends."

(Originally posted to the BE Addventure by DruulEmpire)


On to the date, or linger with Katie and Joan?



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