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The Only Guy on Earth | Shendude | 4


"You know," Jo commented. "I never got your name. I suppose if we're going to be roommates, I ought to know what to call you, other 'the guy'."

Owen was a tad bit worn-out, and simply said, "Owen."

"Well, Owen, it's nice to meet you," Jo commented, as she began looking for her clothes. "I can't wait to introduce you to my girlfriend Nancy. She's going to love that thing of yours...hey, is there a proper name for it?"

Still worn out, Owen shrugged. "It's called a penis, although there are other words. I think the most commonly used was 'cock'."

"Hmm. Penis. Cock. I like the sound of that," Jo commented. "Peeen-niiizzz. Caaawwwk. Woman, I love the way those words feel in my mouth. Hey, can I put your penis in my mouth? I bet it tastes great!"

Owen winced at Jo's suggestion. Ordinarily it sounded like a fantastic idea, but he felt a bit tender and weak at the moment. "Maybe not right this -- "
"Hey there, Jo," came a voice at the door. "I was just over at registration and I found something out."

"Oh, hey, Nancy, come on in. Owen, this is my friend Nancy. Nancy, this is my roommate Owen."

Owen just stared as Nancy strode in, a tall girl with tumbling black locks, in a black catsuit zipped down to just above her navel, the better to permit her astoundingly massive breasts to feel the open air. Her face was lovely though a bit haughty.

Nancy stared at Owen's nakedness. "What kind of body does she have, anyway?" she asked Jo.

"It's a he. Owen is a guy!"

"A guy!? Wow, that's so cool! So what's ... that!?"

"Oh, that's his cock! It's soft right now, but when it gets hard you can shove it in your pussy and it feels in-CRED-ible?"

Nancy looked wryly amused. "But you just got here. And right away, he shoved that inside you."

"Oh, it was an accident," Jo assured her. "But it was a GREAT accident, his cock feels, mmm ... fantastic!"

Nancy said nothing, evidently more amused than convinced. "Oh, by the way, like I said, I was over at registration. A session just opened up for that class you wanted, so if you go right over you can probably add it."

"Oh, perfect! I'll be right back!"

Nancy regarded Owen with a cocked eyebrow. "So ... Owen ... you don't run around shoving your cock in every girl's pussy, do you?"

"Oh, no."

"Because that sounded like one freak accident." Nancy sat beside him on the bed, and then her nostrils flared. "Huh ... there's a very powerful smell ... " Her face drifted closer and then even closer to his cock as she sniffed away. "It's your cock!"

"Yeah, I ... came."

"Of course you came. That's why you're here."

"No, I mean, I ... it's called ejaculation."

"Mmm, well, whatever it is, the smell if very intriguing!" She shut her eyes to concentrate and before he knew it her tongue darted out and licked it. "Mmmmm! It tastes interesting too!"

Owen was quietly amazed as without so much as a how-do-you-do black-haired busty Nancy proceeded to inhale and slurp away on his cock. She swiftly realized she wasn't getting the angle she wanted, so she slipped right out of her catsuit and permitted the silky cleavage of her awesomely ginormous breasts to rise up against his cock as she gobbled away, still inhaling sharply through her clearly enraptured nostrils.

She sat up suddenly. "Oh! Look! It's getting hard! Oh, that looks so amazing."

Owen had to disagree, in that moment Nancy was the amazing-looking one.

"Owen? I need to find out, I need to know. Can I shove your cock inside my pussy?"

Owen coughed, not quite sure he had heard such a wonderful question. "But I thought you thought it was crazy that I would do that with a girl I just met."

But Nancy didn't care about that, and crawled up to dangle her boulders directly over his face. "Please, Owen?" She then slowly sank herself over his erection, rendering the whole question moot. "Please?"

(Originally posted to the BE Addventure by Shendude and DruulEmpire)


Does Nancy get what she wants?

          Yes, she does.


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