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The Shining Stone (fixed) | blackhand | 16


Silently you lie on the haystack for the remainder of the night, tossing and turning because of the effects of the juices leaving your body. But you are kept in place by the bonds that stop you from moving your arms, and makes real movement impossible. The wug has you utterly helpless within it's grasp.

You wake up the following morning when a light streams into the barn through a small light near the ceiling. You give a quiet groan for a moment, trying to wipe your eyes with your hand. But as you try to move you notice your hands tied behind your back. You try to struggle for a moment, but with the rope leash wrapped to a nearby post, and your every movement met with further digging into your crotch by the rope, you realize you are helpless. For a moment your newly clear mind tries to process where you are, not yet quite remembering your time under the influence of the wug's seed. For a moment you think you got captured, before a set of hazey memories starts to flood back into your mind.

You had sex with the creature. And it left you too helpless to resist when it took you as a slave. And now you are going to be.....bearing it's children for it. Or at least for it's mate. It wasn't exactly clear what it was that he said you would do for it exactly. And you doubt you want to find out. A quite groan escapes your lips when you think of your predicament, but also partially from the continued sensation of the twine against your pussy.

Slowly you start to rise to your feet, in an attempt to escape from this room, but a moment later you stumble over and trip, the rope between your feet having made moving too far impossible. While the rope was more loose since you came here, the length between was even shorter. Had you tried to make the journey in your present state, it would be totally impossible. You would have tripped far too much to have done it. As your body hits the floor, it lets out a loud noise, throughout the barn. One that you can only hope didn't alert your captors to the fact that you are awake on the move.

Slowly and uneasily rising back to your feet over the rough wood floorboard, you look towards the doorway, eagerly, hopping to maybe escape the wug's grasp of you. As expected it seems open, seeing as you are already in bondage, but there may be more security there then meats the eye. Furthermore, your master could possibly come in any second. And if sees you escape it could mean even tighter bondage and even less of a chance of escape, or maybe even him giving you to that barn that seemed to be producing milk. Your bare skin shudders at that horrifying thought. You could either sit back in the hay and not risk getting caught, or you can try to make a break for it despite your bindings, and hope that it turns out well for you. What should you do?


Will you risk it?

          Sit back in the hay


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