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The Polygyny Chronicles | Shendude | 2


Although Adam's society provided most generously for his prodigious appetites and talents, that fact was that he was a statistical rarity, little seen or heard of, almost the stuff of legend, yet confirmed by both science and law. Adam Ziktor happened to be the kind of man known informally as too-males, the joke being that they were simply too male for there own damn good. A too-male was notable for the unusually broad frame of his body, his exuberant aura of healthfulness, his rather ridiculously good looks, and the discreetly downplayed bulge of his genital package which a discerning female eye could still pick out even when he was fully clothed. It was rather typical of too-males to go into entertainment, but Adam wished to be more distinctive than that. So it was that, without his knowledge, little whispering giggling ripples of rumor went out among womankind that a too-male worked in the building.
Yet for all the fullness of Adam's life, there was one thing he still desperately wanted. He kept secret stashes of pornography dedicated to it, not wishing to in any way impinge upon the egos of the several lovely women already in his life. The simple fact was that Adam Ziktor was turned on, more than anything else, by blatantly humongous breasts. He craved big knockers, they were his one most significant "downfall," and he all too frequently found that intensely fantasizing about them during the act of sex enhanced his performance.

Certainly he found that to be the case as he was banging his boss Linda up against her desk. There was a certain stately elegant beauty to the slim and older Linda, but he could not help but fantasize intensely about her possessing great huge slapping gazongas.

"Yes ... yes ... Adam, you're merciless ... I can't believe it, I'm going to climax one more time ... !"

And she did, sprawling herself out all over her cleared desk as Adam pulsed into her. She felt thankful for the soundproofing she had specially installed for her office.

Adam tidied himself up swiftly, with some help from her office's small adjoining bathroom. "Does this mean I get to do it?"

She laughed naughtily. "You may as well -- I'm too exhausted right now to take care of it!"

"Thank you, Linda."

"Thank YOU, Adam."

Adam enjoyed these little friendly acts of bribery, even if they earned very little. Today he wished to personally pick out his new secretary. It was typical to share secretaries, or to be assigned one with no say in the matter, but Adam had just now secured permission to choose his very own.

He went down to the secretarial pool and looked over the lineup of that day's applicants. None seemed very glamorous, but they certainly seemed competent enough --

Then he froze, and he damn near whistled but controlled himself.

Who was that!? She was off in a corner, florally dressed, with a radiant light brown skin and vaguely Asian eyes, not mention a great sweet sunny smile -- but more than anything, she had breasts. These were no side effects of great weight, either, but simply massive globes held close against her slim tight body.

He was abusing his authority a little, he knew, but he didn't really care. He strode right over to her.

"Excuse me, miss. I'm Adam Ziktor. And you are?"

The girl gazed up in awe at him, clearly understanding straightway that she was in the presence of a real live too-male. "I'm Gogo!"

He had to give than name points for distinctiveness. "Gogo, why don't you hand me your file and come with me?"

Adam was barely interested in the file. Gogo was competent, hard-working, blah blah blah. He led her into his office and shut the door.

"Gogo, it's really simple. I need a secretary -- and I think you're the best girl for the job."

She looked so relieved. "Oh, thank you, thank you, sir!"

"Please. Call me Adam. Gogo ... are you seeing anybody?"

She blushed. "Sir -- Adam -- I just came to this city, I haven't had a chance to meet anyone."

"That's such a shame. I would be happy to take you out and see the sights. How about tonight? Do you dance?"

"Oh ... ah ... " She was a bit overwhelmed.

"Allow me to show you," he murmured, moving in and gently holding her to him. Adam had learned long ago that the "Do you dance?" come-on helped to arouse a woman's natural susceptibility to his too-maleness. He placed one hand on her waist and the other on her hip, just grazing her buttock and came in close.

He looked down. Not only was she looking up at him with great gratitude, but her cleavage was amazing, something he had only dreamed of ever seeing. "Gogo, your breasts are so beautiful and so big!"

She blushed. "Oh, Adam, half the girls back in my village are at least as big as me!"

Adam coolly covered his astonishment. Surely she had to be wrong, but still ... "Gogo, where do you come from?"


Mastonesia. Well, that would be worth looking up."

"Oh!" Gogo suddenly looked awfully worried. "Oh, Adam!"

Adam sighed. Even after having just had Linda, he was responding wildly to Gogo, his newest erection straining against his pants and poking Gogo in the thigh.

He took her hand and held it over the bulge. "You started this. You get to finish it ... Take off your dress."

Adam was thankful for the opaque design of his locked office, and as Gogo cheerfully lent the friction of her deep silky cleavage to the pleasuring of his shaft, Adam thought, Now this is the life.

(Originally posted to the BE Addventure by DruulEmpire)


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