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A Bad Loan | janis_en_femme | 16


Jenna raises her glass for a toast.
Mitch relunctantly clinks his beer with hers. Then he chugs it.
Jenna sits back and sips her drink.
After a couple of minutes of silence, Jenna figures the pills is starting to take effect.
"So, Mitch, how's everything between you and your wifey?" she asks.
"Just peachy," Mitch scowls.
"Then why can't you even remember your wife's name," she says in a commanding tone.
"Of course, I can, it's .... it's," Mitch stammers.
Jenna smiles. The drugs was taking effect as quickly as she hoped. She was going to test it a little more before proceeding.
"You like talking to me, don't you?" she whispered.
"As a matter of fact, I do," Mitch said realizing it for the first time.
"Too bad, you have a lisp," she added.
"What are you talking about? I don't have a lithp," Mitch said without noticing his new speech impediment.
"Good," Jenna thought, "now what was the next part of the plan?"


Does Jenna follow the plan or have some more fun?

          Jenna follows the plan


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