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Tomb Raider: Lara's fall into depravation | bungakawa2011 | 3


Lara woke to find herself in the same humiliating posture she had fainted in: ass up, head down. But a few things around her had changed. She was no longer lying on a dirt road, but on some dry and worn wooden planks. Turning her head left and right, she saw she had been carried into some miserable cart, and that cart was moving slowly, probably pulled by a famished donkey.

No penis was busy plowing her asshole, but what little relief this brought her wasn't enough to outweigh her worries. Her shorts were still around her knees, and nothing covered her breasts that spilled out from under her. Even worse: although she was in command of her limbs again, she couldn't move them much, as a thick rope bound her to the cart's floor. It winded around her legs and forearms as well as around her neck, leaving her no choice but to remain into her degrading position.

Whoever carried her off that way couldn't wish her a lot of good, but still, Lara figured it would do her no good to wait for things to go from bad to worse, and she called out. The head of an old and wrinkled woman raised over the cart's front wall.
"Ah ! You awake !" she cried with delight.
"Where am I?"
"You in my cart. You go to market."
To the market? But another pressing question was on her mind: "Where are the men?"
"The men?" The old crone cackled. "What men?"
"The men who buttfucked me." answered Lara, as defiantly as she could.
The old lady clapped her hands. "That is the word?! Buttfucked! Yes, men buttfucked you, two men. They gone now. I tell them go."
Lara paused for a moment. Should she thank her? Maybe... but probably not. A friend wouldn't leave her all tied-up like that. "Why... why did they do that to me?"
"Why they what?"
Lara sighed. "Why did they... buttfuck me?"
The hag cackled again, clapped her hands, then answered seriously. "Because you tell them so."
"You tell them so!" The old woman then spoke a few words Lara did not understand, though she recognized the sound.
"I was saying that..."
"Yes, yes."
"But I don't know... I don't know even know what they mean."
"The words, they say... they say... 'take', uh, 'take penis, put penis in my bottom.' Yes, yes, that is it, 'take penis and put penis in my bottom!' "
Had she not been bound in that position, Lara could have fallen over. Was it... had she... Had she really yelled at those two men to come and sodomize her? Had she repeatedly told them to keep fucking her ass at the same time as her whole body struggled to move and put an end to her rape?
"You want to know why you say that?"
Lara looked up at the woman towering over her. She had a sly grin, an evil grin, and looked more like a witch than ever. "Yes."
The old woman reached down and let a small cloth bag fall next to Lara's hand, just within her reach. After a moment of hesitation, she dragged the bag closer and managed to empty its content: the pearl.
"Take it!"
Lara obeyed. For a few seconds, nothing happened. Then a powerful shock rocked her body, and she felt an irrepressible urge to fight her bonds, not to break free from them, but to raise her ass even higher, and to squeeze her breasts even more tightly under her own weight. And the words, the horrible words escaped her lips again, and it seemed to her that now she understood them and that she was indeed asking, or rather demanding to be buttfucked.
With a stick, the old woman pried the stone from her hand. Bewildered, Lara instantly reverted to her usual state of mind, and an overwhelming sense of shame washed over her. The old woman looked at her for a moment before saying: "Now, you go to market."
Lara forced herself to ask the question: "Why?"
"You have big breasts and you have stone. You breed."
"Breed?! You... you want to turn me into a prostitute?!"
The old woman laugh. "You are dirty now! The stone make you dirty. You are breed meat, not breed woman."
"What... what do you mean?"
The old woman shrugged. "You are dirty. You breed dogs, you breed donkeys. Good money! Men like to see you breed, women like to see you breed too. They pay good money."

Lara was shocked. That was her future. A freakshow. A big-titted westerner bound by ancient magic to call for males to shove their cock up her ass; a big-titted westerner bound by ancient magic to call for any male of any species to shove his cock up her ass. That old witch was taking her to the market to have her buttfucked by dogs and donkeys in front of a laughing and cheering crowd!


Will Lara escape that fate?

          An unexpected chance at freedom

          Not for now.


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