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The Arena of Lust | ZombieToph | 8


You step through the door into a pitch black room; the door slams shut behind you, shutting out the last narrow beam of light.

"Hello," you call out into the darkness.


Feeling a little frustrated, you want to move on, you call again, "Is there anyone here?"

A pale blue light glows a short distance in front of you - you can just make out the outline of a petite woman, sitting cross legged in front of it.

"Hello, ," she purrs. "I was so hoping you stop by in my little playground."

The light grew brighter as she stood; she is completely naked, and seemingly coated in a light sheen of some rather sweet, yet sharp smelling liquid.

"Who are you?"

She giggled, "I'm your deepest, darkest dream come true. I'm that secret desire you've kept locked away, denied yourself and hidden from all others. My name... you will not hear it, only if you win... and no man has bested me yet."

"Oh yeah," you growl, trying to sound more confident than you felt. "Well, I have no intention of losing here, oh Mystery Woman of many Dramas! I'll take great pleasure in breaking in that little body of yours!"

She smirked cutely, "If you can catch me then!"

And the light faded to black, you heard her run off into the darkness.

You stumbled around, trying to listen for the sound of her footsteps, but the ground gave little back in the way of sound, even your the echoes of your own feet rarely made much noise to be heard.

From a distance you heard her taunt, "Looks like somebody isn't accustom to the dark... You know... it seems an unfair advantage that you have cloths to protect you and I don't. Want to take them off for me? I'll turn the lights back on for you..."

"Not a chance!"

She giggled, "Well, I guess we'll just have to take them from you!"

You hardly have a moment to consider who 'we' might be when something wrapped tightly and quickly around your arms and legs! You shout in surprise as you're pulled upside-down into the air, feeling more of the slimy, thick snake-like things ripping your clothes to shreds!

The girl is laughing, "Well, I guess that's fair now, perhaps we can turn on the lights."

"This... This can't be real...," you stammer in shock. You feel like you've stepped into a fantasy.

All around the room, up the walls, across the ceiling, around the edges, now snaking along the ground, are hundreds of thick, slimy, dark purple tentacles! Many are encircling beneath you, with the girl standing right below you, looking up in mirth.

"Silly little boy, of course this is real," she admonished, grinning. "They're my friends, my pets and lovers... but oh do they enjoy new toys!"

Refusing to believe that a thousand tentacle monsters were about to have their way with you, you cry out, panicking, "But - but these things are only supposed to go for girls! Y'know, like college girls in skirts and stuff!"

"And who said that? Who said that creatures of the deep could only enjoy females? And why should they, when men, though many deny it to themselves, love the feeling of helplessness in their arms, the forbidden pleasure of their caress, a pleasure that far exceeds any such act you may perform otherwise?

"You have until I count to five, , until you forget what it means to be a man. You will forget your past, your future, your family, friends, loved ones, all of it... and all that will remain is a little boy, begging to be fucked by my pets!"

"No... please, let me down..."


You can feel the creatures twisting around your legs, up your thighs...


... One wraps around your neck, hovering just an inch away from your mouth...


... They are so big, each had to be at least three inches thick, some more than five!


... You whimper as you feel several tentacles glide over your ass...


Your last chance.

          Option One.


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