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School for Scandal | SpectralTime | 8


Dr. Vixen Sinclair sighed as she surveyed the options. So much potential, yet she could only pick one! However, the choice was clear. Of the three projects, only one had already shown quite... potent results. With a heavy heart, she raised her stamp and pounded a big REJECTED on Dr. Feierhohs' folder.


"But... but you can't!" squeaked Dr. Feierhohs, his mousy blue eyes wide as a deer's with shock. He was a tiny little shrimp of a man, sun-burnt and worn out from his health-destroying expeditions to Africa, and so short that his feet failed to reach the ground from the swivel chair he was sitting it. The other Doctor towered over him, especially in the stiletto heels she had chosen to wear with her outfit, which consisted of little more than leathery bandages under a wide fur cape.

Dr. Sinclair sighed. Already, she was regretting the decision to inform him in person of the departmental cuts. "Please," she told him, "maintain your composure, Dr. Feierhohs. We-"

"Surely you must know what it's like to be the laughingstock of your discipline! To know disgrace and shame simply for drawing the logical conclusion from your work! If... If you throw me out, there isn't a university on Earth that will let me continue my research! I'll have destroyed my health and my life for nothing!" He held up a small vial of greenish fluid, surprising Dr. Sinclair, and pleaded with her, staring into her eyes with his own watery blue ones.

"I can do it! I've already created a self-replicating, self-terminating retrovirus that will endow any man with all the countless sexual powers of Feierhohs man, while allowing him to retain the intelligence of a modern human! I have produced a chair to facilitate the process, a marvel of mechanical engineering. I need only a week or so to ensure there are no initial side effects! I beg of you, Vixie! Please!"

The foxy doctor was surprised, and pleased, particularly since she knew he had an all-too-understandable crush on her, but she still shook her head. "I AM sorry, Doctor. But we're down to the wire here. Second Puberty already has a working specimen, and we're working on finding more. We just can't afford to finance your research any further."

She reached out to grab him by the shoulder, and leaned over to kiss him on the forehead, letting her mighty breasts press against his tiny chest. "We'll try to help you find another 'enlightened' facility to continue your work," she whispered, "but sometimes, you just need to grin and bear it."


How will Dr. Feierhohs react?

          "Hi, Vixie, I'm Boa"


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