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Quiet Streets | Sim8425 | 7


Tomi leads you through the dark, musty underground tunnel. It has a maze-like structure sporting many turns and twists. Suddenly you hear the piercing sound of a gun being fired. You guess that it is a machine gun. Soon enough, Tomi is running, rounding the corners as if there were no tomorrow. You can barely keep up as you finally make it into a low-lit room.

You see a horrible site that will forever be engraved into your brain. You see a bunch of women dead, spread throughout the room. You are about to ask Tomi a question but she quickly whispers, "Shhhhhh."

Tomi pulls out her black handgun and angrily shouts, "Come out you bastard!" Out of the shadows walks this huge fellow, who stands at about 6'7 and has a body, which is pure muscle. He has a grizzly chestnut brown beard and long blonde hair. He is dressed like a biker, sporting a sleeveless leather jacket, leather pants, and a black bandanna with his gang's symbol, well that's what you guess.

"I finally found you bitch, too bad I found your friends first," mocks the big fellow with his deep, brooding voice. "What the heck are you doing with her?" The big muscle-bound man asks, directing his question at you. Before you can answer, Tomi yells, "How can you live with yourself, you sick bastard." You ask Tomi who the man is.

"His name's Rosco, he's a member of a dangerous biker gang. They capture women and have their way with them. Once they're done they cage them or..." Tomi pauses. "Kill them." The man arrogantly laughs as Tomi describes him. "Listen up boy, I'm going to make you an offer you can't refuse," he says enthusiastically. "Wanna enter my world and join the brotherhood?" He preaches. "You'll get all the booze and women you could ever dream of.” He cleverly adds.

"So, how 'bout it?" Before you can answer Tomi fires her handgun, nailing the man in the arm, temporarily shocking him, as he drops his gun. She proceeds to jump on him like a wild cat, swinging her fists ferociously, drawing blood from his face. Rosco just grins, cruelly staring her down. Tomi is filled with a mighty rage because her friends have just been murdered.

"Time to die!" Tomi nervously yells. "Not today," laughs Rosco as he swats the gun right out of her hand. He rolls himself atop of her and kisses her roughly, rubbing his gruff beard across her face. Tomi struggles and squirms trying to free herself from her tormentor.

"How do you like that?" Rosco mockingly cackles. Tomi is frightened as she looks at you with fear and desperation in her eyes. "Join us and join in," laughs the cruel charismatic man.

What do you do, join Rosco or save Tomi?


Rosco or Tomi?

          Join Rosco (Then deceive him later).


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