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Lessons Learned | wavhitothemirror | 2


You quickly take a seat next to the only white girl you see, her hair is pink, blonde, black and orange and green. Her skin is very pale. She wears a pentagram and black everything. You wave. She continues to look out the window.
She pushes pause.
"Hi." She says simply looking at you.
"I'm ---. I'm new."
"No shit sherlock. In case you were wondering, I don't swing your way."
You crinkle your brow perplexed.
She actually laughs.
"Oh you are too much!" She studies you now.
"You weren't hitting on me, and you don't even know what I meant."
"No, my bad. I'm Chloe." She leans over putting a hand on your leg to whisper in your ear.
"But your kinda cute, if my girl ever wants to do a three way I'll throw your name in the ring."
You have a shocked look on your face. Speechless.
"Priceless.your face." She smiles and puts the music back on.
Fantasies of a three way with two girls run through your head.
Your not paying attention and walk into someone when you get off the bus.
"Hey! Watch it!"
You look up, and this really tall, muscular black girl looks down at you frowning a tennis racket in her hand.
She shakes her head and walks off.
"Wimp." Some guy says.
You turn angry at him. He's got red hair, freckles and green eyes, and kinda short.
"What you looking at ass face?" He jeers.
Napolean Complex. Occurs to you.
"Nothing worth looking at."
Somepeople go"ohhh! Snap!"
He glares at you.
"You got balls son." This big black guy comes up with his crew.
"Name's Leo. You wanna hang wit us?"
He smiles.
"Aight then. Let's do this."
They walk around back, most people are in class.
He lights up, "smoke?"
"No thanks."
He shrugs.
"Whatchu name son?"
"I feel that. Listen, my girl's little sis, she got her heartbroke, you look like a real man, ya dig? I think we could trust you to take care o buzziness without breaking her heart. You eva been with a blackgirl?"
You shakes his head.
"They say once you go black, you never go back. You gotta treat em like a queen, they got booty, they got fire."
He smiles.
"Whadaya say, wanna meet Deeana?"
"Sure. Cool. Let's go."
"She's not in class?"
He frowns at you.
"If you had your heart broke would you be sitting in some wack ass class?"
"Guess not."
"Damn straight."


roll out with Leo to mend a broken heart?


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