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Costumed! | geofrey1973 | 15


“I.. I cant chose from these people. I don’t think anyone here will help me”. Kayla’s despair only grew worse as the seconds ticked by. Soon the time was up. She stood cringing expecting some form of punishment for failing to comply. Instead a mechanical female voice sounded in her head. “SELECTION MADE. SLAVE 37 WILL PLACE THE EQUIPMENT BACK IN ITS PACKAGE AND TAKE IT TO THE END OF YOUR DRIVEWAY. YOU HAVE THREE MINUTES COMPLY”.

She knew what that meant. If she didn’t get the bondage gear boxed up in the next three minutes and up to the mailbox she was going to get tortured agin. She hurried back to the package and threw everything back inside. Then she stopped. “What am I doing go go go”! She yelled even as she emptied the box and neatly repacked it. “Oh no im going to run out of time”. Walking briskly she went down the driveway in broad daylight. Each step was punctuated by the click of her heels on the asphalt and the humiliating awareness that someone might be watching. Jest as she reached the end of her driveway her time elapsed and she began to feel the itching again. Slow at first, fut getting worse by the moment. Worse she couldn’t seem to do anything about it. She was forced to stand there and fidget. Old man Mc Duffy was slowly walking his dog down the street when he saw her. She meant to shout “Oh my god. This is so humiliating. Please jest go away”. But all that cam out was a bouncy “Hi’! In a high pitched squeaky voice. Soon the heavy set elder walked up to her. They both watched as his old German Shepard sniffed at her crotch and began to wag his tail.

“Come on Champ. Lets leave the little slut alone”. Mc Duffy casually twisted a nipple causing Kayla to swoon before walking on. Left in her torment and humiliation she barely noticed a black limousine pulling up. As if on autopilot she got in with her package and began to ride through the suburbs. Soon it came to a stop and she got out in from of a split level Townhouse. The mail box read Stevens 966 Sycamore lane. "At least the itching stopped".


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          Bud Stevens.


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