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Johnny's Conscience | Sim8425 | 4


I went back into the main area of the club staggering and feeling a little stress free due to Alice's extra-curricular activity. My history with Alice is a little strange. When she first came to the club, she was this chatty innocent girl who didn't quite make it as an actress. She had to become a stripper to make money since she had nowhere to go. Of course there are always strings attached to high paying jobs. Nothing is too good to be true. In order to work at this club, you have to participate in other activities, to be specific, sexual. Well anyways, she had been pleasing guys for a few days.

Finally when it was my turn to receive pleasure, she broke down on me. She started crying and telling me all her problems. You see, usually I don't know how to react to these kinds of things. It's very frustrating for me. But this girl got to me for some reason. Maybe I could relate to her because when dreams don't turn out the way you imagined, you take an emotional blow. Well one thing led to another and I ended up making love to her. It was extraordinary, usually it 's one-way for me but this was mutual, and boy was it something else.

Well we started dating and shit but I couldn't deal with her fucking other guys. You see, I'm a henchmen, I don't make as much money as my superiors. I asked Alice to quit but she wouldn't because she grew attached to the good life. She had a car to pay off and credits cards, the list goes on. Sure it's the good life financially but emotionally, I don't think so. I think the good life had her trapped with her many debts. I bet she wouldn't leave this life for a scumbag like me anyways. Soon enough we broke off, now the closest I can get to her is when I pay for her services and I tell you, it's just not the same. Well anyways...

As I was walking to the counter to buy a shot of rum, some moron bumped into me and his drink spilled all over my shirt. "Next time watch where you're going," he yelled arrogantly. Hey, this was his fault but should I set my pride aside? Now you see I'm not a very tolerant man when it comes down to situations like these, especially when I'm drunk. Boy, there sure is tension in the air. You're my conscience, what should I do?


How to you make Johnny handle this heated situation?

          Deck the idiot.

          Ask him if he likes lead.

          Sadness can make a man humble.


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