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Johnny's Conscience | Sim8425 | 2


I decided to shoot him since I was positive that he was carrying a piece. I aimed my gun at his hand and POW. The driver let out a howl of agony as his shiny weapon dropped onto the moon lit gravel.

"What the fuck," yelled Kyle as his cigarette dropped from his mouth. "The guy had a gun," explained Wade who looked as scared as I've ever seen him. "You fuck," shouted the hotheaded Kyle angrily. The driver was shaking in his boots as he stared death right in the eye. "Please, don't kill me," pleaded the driver who was in pain. He raised his hands as if we were officers. His hand was an ugly sight to see as it was missing two digits and seeping blood. "Oh fuck," gasped Wade, looking like he was going to puke.

"Fuck you," scolded Kyle sternly. Before I knew it the driver's brains were painted onto the side of the truck. "What the hell do you think you're doing," I yelled. This made the job 10 times harder as people living near-by were bound to call the cops. Now we didn't have the pleasure of taking our sweet time. "Hurry up, get the fucking money," I demanded. Without hesitation we grabbed the keys and opened the truck. Grabbing packages of money, package after package, and shoving them into the trunk, filling it as much as possible. We were all scared shitless but we are the kind of guys that won't show it. Once we had as much money as possible we sped off.

"Damn it the cops are going to be all over this," explained Wade in a worried fashion. "Don't sweat it, cops aren't what they used to be," responded Kyle. "They wouldn't know their head from their ass." He was too carefree without any worries and know what? I wished that I had that same attitude and it was a burden I didn't. I really admired Kyle, I really did. "What's next?" Asked Wade seeming as if he was just hoping for this night to end. "Now we make the drop-off then ditch the car," I explained. We drove over to a disclosed area and dropped the money off like we were supposed to.

Afterwards, we drove the car to a nearby lake and pushed it in. Having Wade with us made that task a lot easier than you'd think. Our day's work was done. We walked about a mile away from where we ditched the car. Kyle took out his cell phone, calling his brother, scheduling for our ride back. I didn't mind the wait, because like I said before, I love the night. The breeze through my hair, the moonlight, it's moments like these that I don't want to end.

"Why'd you shoot him?" Asked Wade. "Fucker was asking for it," retorted Kyle as he lit his cigarette. Soon enough his brother arrived. We hopped in the car and sped off like there was no tomorrow.


What's next for Johnny and company?

          Back to the strip club.

          $500, 000. Split 4 Ways?


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