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Live Theater | fire_ball | 2


Natalie’s eyes widened when she saw the beautiful gown that was awaiting her in the dressing room. It was made of silk and richly embroidered with gold, the skirt was long and swept back, and all in all it was one of the most beautiful costumes she had ever seen. Attached to the front of the dress was a little sticky note. Natalie plucked up the yellow piece of paper and read it.

You are Princess Natalie of the Pallas Kingdom. Because of an impending war with the Amestrys Empire, your parents, King Bernard and Queen Samantha are considering marrying you off in order to secure an allegiance with the Eastern Country. There is a constant air of tension and suspicion in the air as your families meet for the first time tonight in order to discuss a possible union under the growing mutual threat of Amestrys…

“Is it a good one?”

Natalie jumped as she suddenly noticed the blond in the mirror in front of her. She turned around, holding a hand over her mouth. The newcomer was an older woman, but Natalie had to look closely to find any wrinkles. She had long hair like rivers of gold flowing down her front, drawing attention to her large breasts. Her full lips parted to reveal a dazzling white smile as she gestured to Natalie with her long manicured fingers.

“The story, honey,” she repeated, “Is it a good one?”

“Um,” Natalie swallowed as another woman entered the dressing room—an Asian one this time. She was small, standing a few inches shorter than Natalie, and she easily had the smallest bust and longest hair in the room. She smiled at the two women as she walked over to another table that had another dress neatly folded in front of the mirror.

“It seems interesting to me,” Natalie murmured as the blond slowly wandered over to the nest table. “It has political intrigue, tension, war.”

“Pfffft!” the Asian woman scoffed, tossing her sticky note into the air. “Eastern Country? That’s what they got me playing? We seriously need better writers.” She laughed as she pulled off her shirt. Natalie blushed, turning away from the braless woman as her small dark nipples came into view.

“Aww,” the blond murmured, running her hand down Natalie’s arm. “First time sweetie?”

The young brunette turned to the older woman and immediately turned away seeing two huge tits threatening to burst out of her black bra. Natalie nodded, blushing wildly and hoping the other women wouldn’t notice.

“Well, don’t worry, baby, we’ll take good care of you,” the older woman cooed. “I’m Samantha. You hurry up and get dressed, honey, and Sakura and I’ll be waiting for you on stage, okay?”

Natalie looked the older blond woman in the eyes, and took a deep breath. Despite the business they were in, Samantha seemed nice enough and—Sakura?—seemed professional enough.

“Thank you,” Natalie said quietly. “And I will.”

Samantha smiled reassuringly and grabbed her dress off of her hanger.

“Come on, Sak, let’s give her some privacy,” she said, grabbing the still topless Asian by her hand and walking her out the door. Sakura paused long enough to give Natalie a wink before she left. Natalie allowed herself a deep breath before she took off her clothes and slipped into her costume.

It took Natalie several more deep breaths as she walked out onto the stage with her dress. It wasn’t until she had it on that she noticed how much cleavage the dress showed off. She kept her eyes on the floor as she stepped into the light.

“Princess Natalie is here!”

She took a deep breath before she looked up. There was a young man in front of her, dressed in a dark vest, black tights, pantaloons, a wide brimmed hat with a red plume, and a sword strapped to his side. He had been the one to announce her. He smiled at her, making his pencil mustache dance. It made her smile as he ushered her forward.

“Ah! Fair daughter,” a woman murmured, approaching Natalie with open arms. Natalie was pulled into a hug before she finally recognized the woman as Samantha, except now in a dress as fancy and regal as her own and showing just as much, if not more, cleavage. “Come, your father and I have been waiting eagerly for your arrival!”

Natalie tried not to fidget as Samantha brought her to center stage. There was a tall broad shouldered man there waiting for her. He had on a cloak and a crimson tunic with gold vines inlaid along the shoulders. He was older with his age written across his face in fine lines, but his eyes were still vibrant and sparkling. His beard and hair were both well-kept; obviously is man was the king.

“Father,” Natalie said, placing a hand on his shoulder. He turned to face her and she was taken back by his intense blue eyes.

“Do not fail me tonight, daughter,” he answered, wrapping his hands around her arms. “Be thou beautiful, be thou intelligent, be thou full of grace, but above all be thou mine.” He pulled her into a hug, squeezing the air from Natalie’s lungs. He released her and placed his calloused fingers on her chin. “Above all, Natalie, thou art a princess.”

Natalie was silent for a moment. This man was either very taken with her or very passionate about his profession. She could only nod breathlessly. With these actors and costumes, it wasn’t going to be hard to immerse herself in this play at all.


What happens next?

          The Eastern Country arrives


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