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Venus Needs Men! | Shendude | 1


Shane awoke inside a transparent tube, up to his neck in some sort of goop, with an array of IV's in his body. He could hear and feel an array of machines scuttling around in the goop doing who knows what to him. He was paralyzed from the neck down, and he did not feel particularly worried about it, which suggested that he was being drugged. He turned his head from side-to-side, and saw that he was in a vast room, filled with similar tubes that contained other men in similar conditions.

And then, a woman appeared in the room. Shane knew right away that she was not of this Earth. It wasn't the circumstances, that tipped him off, nor was it the antennae that stood proudly from her forehead. No it was the fact that no human woman possessed such outrageously magnificent beauty, that impossible mix of lithe slenderness and luscious curves that had previously been confined to his imagination and bad comic books, displayed by a bodysuit that covered every inch of her (asides from her exotically lovely face) but clung so tightly that it left nothing to the imagination.

Only his paralysis kept Shane from achieving the most powerful erection of his life, and even then, he felt himself stir slightly. Then she spoke, and so sexy and seductive was her voice that his arousal triumphed over the drugs.

"Greetings, Hu-Mans. Know that eons ago, the women of Venus used our beauty to make the men of our world our slaves. For millennia we lived lives of luxury, while they performed all the menial tasks a civilization needs to thrive, waited on us hand and foot, and serviced or voracious sexual appetites. Two centuries ago, we discovered the key to immortality, which we kept for ourselves. Only after the critical point passed did we discover that the treatments had left us sterile. As the men grew old and died, we replaced most of their functions with robots, but no robot has been able to adequately pleasure us.

"And then we discovered your world. You, the horniest and most perverse men the planet Earth has to offer, will be our salvation. Even as I speak, your bodies are being modified into paragons of studliness, suitable for our needs. Rejoice! The lives you knew are over! You will spend the rest of your days as sex-slaves of the Venusian Empire!"

And with that, she left leaving Shane to contemplate his fate, and wonder if, just maybe, being enslaved by aliens might be the best thing that had ever happened to him.


What happens next?

          escape from tube and run?. stay in tube and wait


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