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Buffy: Alternate Season Seven | SchlockTheMonkey | 28


Willow was bound and gagged, but not in a good way. How had she gotten like this? Oh yeah… Faith. It all came back to her – the ambush in the apartment, Faith’s smirk as she curled her finger’s through the witch’s red hair, the pain as the Slayer slammed Willow’s head into the floor, then… nothing.

“Oh, good you’re finally up.” Faith was wearing one of Tara’s filmiest negligees, though the sex-kitten effect was ruined by the way she stroked that great big kitchen knife. “I was planning to just kill you, but then I heard this.” She pressed the playback button on Xandra’s answering machine.

“Xandra,” a somewhat tinny recording of Buffy’s voice said, “Faith’s back in town. Somebody apparently put a spell on her that made her obsess over you. She’s gone completely psycho, tried to kill me. She’ll probably head to your place – get out of there, now! meet us at—well, you know where.” Another voice floated in from the background. “Wear something sexy.” “Shut up, Cordelia,” Buffy said. “Hurry, Xandra. There’s no telling what Faith’ll do in this state.”

“So you want us to undo the spell on you?” asked Tara. Willow sighed in relief – her girlfriend sounded frightened but uninjured.

“Bitch, please!” Faith snorted. “You think I’m gonna fall for B’s lies? That’s just her trying to scare Xandra away from me. No, I want you to undo the REAL spell. The one you laid on Xandra.”

“You know about that?” asked Tara incredulously.

“That’s why you’re still alive,” Faith replied. “Of course, there’s this big gap between ‘dead’ and ‘wish you were dead’ that we can explore if you’re not reeeal cooperative.”

“Okay, we’ll undo it,” Tara agreed. “We just need to wait for him to get back.”

“That’s what I want to hear,” Faith said. The violently unstable stare glare with which she had affixed the two witches faded, replaced by simple puzzlement. “Who’s ‘him’?”


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