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Through The Window | dkburrows | 16


I realized my error immediately as the fire alarms burst into life, waking up the large majority that had still been sleeping. Desperately I looked around, torn between dashing to my window and trying to get in or looking for the best cover I could find.

Knowing that the fire station was just around the station I ran over to the restaurant and with a grimace wedged myself between the dumpster and the wall, hoping that no one would come out the back exit and see me.

Slowly I heard confused and tired voice coming from the direction of my apartment. My nosy neighbor's voice blared above them all, sending my already pounding heart nearly crashing through my ribs. Her voice came closer and closer and I was certain she'd find me.

"Now Rita, I'm sure you're mistaken. That nice girl Julie wouldn't be wandering around naked, I'm sure," Mrs Gormley's husband said, and I realized to my horror that they were at the end of the dumpster, just beside the crack i'd wedged myself into.

"Quite grinning like that, Rob," the man said, and like one of those slow-motion film moments I saw they're teenage son walk to the walk in front of me. Rob was, to put it mildly, fat. He was fat enough to rub the sides of doors as he walked through, and his face was one of the ugliest I'd ever seen, topped only by his hag of a mother.

Just then, as I crouched miserably naked between a garbage filled dumpster and a rough brick wall his eyes lit on me. For a horrific moment I thought I was done for, that the world would see me exposed to my entire building. Mrs. Gormley, ironically enough, saved me, startling his sure to be loud exclamation by snapping at him.

"What're you looking like as idiotic for? Damn retard," she muttered, and I winced just a little.

Maybe Rob saw my reaction; his mouth snapped shut and with a glare at his mother he walked up to the dumpster, pressing his bulk against the opening, sealing it from sight.

"Don't you get your pj's dirty, Robert!" she snapped, for which I should be thankful. At that moment he fished out a hardening cock from beneath his flab and his mother's words covered my gasp.

With his hand closest to the wall and hidden from view he pointed to his exposed dick before taking hold of his own belly-fat to make room.

Gulping down nausea I leaned forward, expecting something vile and lumpy. I couldn't decide whether to expect something tiny or something proportionately huge. As it happened he was smack-dab in the middle. A perfectly average cock for an un-average boy.

Even more surprising was that he tasted just fine. No stink, no strange things on it. In fact he was cleaner than most of the dicks I'd ever swallowed in my life. That, combined with gratitude for him hiding me, and I maybe a little lunacy, made me lick and suck with gusto.

He finished even before the fire trucks arrived, but stayed in place, dick out as the firemen checked out the scene.

While the apartment was checked and the residents grumbled around my hiding spot. I listened anxiously, expecting to hear them point me out at any moment, but Rob stayed between me and them.

His dick began to harden again as people shuffled impatiently, yawning and complaining, and I gave scarcely a sigh as I leaned forward to service him a second time without him giving me any hand signals to do so.

Maybe he wouldn't have asked, I don't know, it just seemed the right thing to do at the time, and as everyone began shuffling back to their apartments he stayed a little bit longer. Time enough for his mother to snap at him, everyone behind him to leave, and me to swallow his second load of cum before I tucked him back into his pants and patted his leg in thanks before he slowly walked away, leaving me as safe as I could be while naked and locked out of my place.


Can she get back in, or does she have another plan?

          She makes it to her window


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