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A Pokémon chose your own adventure book | lupine | 13


Hardly believing my luck, even wondering if I might be mistaken I ogle a red headed woman, easily the tallest person in the room. She is even taller then my graceful slave and I bet she is taller then Dahlia too. Her ‘disguise’ consists of some designer sun glasses and a tight fitting formal dress tastefully cut at the knee. Her hair is done up in rivulets but I am not some local yokel to be fooled by such things.

I confidently walk over to her, Albatina in tow, and interrupt her examination of one of the Pokemon Center’s computers.

“Do you know what my favorite letter is?” I ask in an undertone which I hope she finds sexy. As she looks down at me with a dismissive arched eyebrow I can only admire her wonderful bone structure.

“Whatever are you speaking about?” She inquires in her lilting voice.

“My favorite letter is a capitol letter ‘R’ I like it so much I use my red crayon when I write it.” I explain with a fiendish grin. Gods, how I enjoy the ebb and flow of this world! The tall red head looks panicked.

“Please be calm, I am here to help you, we are on the same ‘team’.” I say she bends her ear close to me to hear my hushed tones. I feel her heat and breathe in her scent which is sweetness and the fresh air of the outdoors. Her pheromones smack my brain and blood flow into overdrive. This new body of mine recognizes quality.

She seems less frightened but still nervous.

“This location is not good for us today, let’s speak privately outside.” I suggest. I place my arm around her hip and guide her towards the automatic doors. Even with the height differential I think we make a fine and attractive couple. Albatina follows us knowingly.

We walk a few paces to the town’s shade trees.

“Sorry to alarm you in there baby,” I say soothingly. “But a gaggle of officers are onto you and they will be in the center later.”

She looks a bit pale as she gracefully turns her pretty face towards the center.

“Don’t worry though baby,” I say reassuringly. “Now that you’re with me your luck has permanently changed for the better.”

“Who ARE you?” She says in exasperation shrugging off my hand which never left her hip.

“Please allow me to introduce myself, I am a team rocket admin, my codename is Red.” I take a slight bow and place my hand to my chest. It is actually as close to honest as I have been with anyone on this world.


When stars collide

          A sound mind in a sound body


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